Aleksander Aamodt Source set out by Aksel Lund Svindal in news interview – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

With the starting line in Switzerland and the finish line in Italy, there is a special “schwung” over this year’s start to the speed season. Kilde is still in Switzerland for a long time when news had a chat with him earlier this week. – It would have been cool to see myself on top of the podium, he says of the untested track in the World Cup. Saturday’s race was canceled due to snowy weather and wind – on Sunday, the speed specialists get a second chance. Last year there were eight trips to the top of the podium, a total of 13 podium places. But when news asks about the goals for this year’s season, the interview is suddenly interrupted. COMBINED BULLET: Source with the proof that he was the season’s best sprinter last year. Photo: ALBERT GEA / Reuters / NTB – Have you started working at news? – No, there’s one!, exclaims Kilde and grins widely. If the atmosphere wasn’t good from before, it at least picked up another notch. Because suddenly the alpine legend Aksel Lund Svindal sat down in front of the microphone. – Have you started working at news?, asks Kilde. – I walked past in the hallway here and then I saw a familiar face. Then I had to pop in, replies Svindal. Then the two teammates struck up a conversation. Digitally, of course. DYNAMIC DUO: Svindal sat down as a friend and ended up as an interviewer. Photo: news – Are you fit?, asks Svindal. – Yes, it’s going well. But at the same time, there is something about driving new downhill runs, you know all about that. So it’s a bit easy to overdrive a bit. That was somewhat the case on Wednesday, says Kilde about Wednesday’s training session. – Yes, and then there is something about the older guys taking it a bit nice at the start so as not to do anything stupid. You’re not a junior anymore, says Svindal and smiles, before Kilde replies: – That’s what I was doing before. Then I drove out and kept driving out when there were new places and had to give one hundred percent. But then it is with experience that you learn, as a rule, says Kilde. “Starstruck” by his friend The former speed giant recently became a father for the first time, and is also engaged to his girlfriend Amalie Iuel. But even though a lot is happening on the home front, the interest in the alpine is just as great. So Svindal just as easily gets started with a small interview about things he himself wonders about. About the speed opening in Zermatt and who he sees as potential podium candidates. Kilde mentions, among others, Swiss Niels Hintermann and teammate Adrian Smiseth Sejersted. – Then we put the two on the podium and Kilde in the last place, then we have the podium, says Svindal. – Yes sir, there we are, says Kilde and grins. SATISFIED: This is how Kilde reacted to Svindal’s podium prediction. Photo: news After saying “good luck” and “we’ll talk”, Svindal steps aside and news’s ​​reporter sits back in front of the screen with Kilde. – What do you say? Now I was taken to bed here. – So was I. It’s always just as “funny” with Aksel. We are such good friends and I have known him for many years now, but I always get a bit “starstruck” when I meet him. Still. That’s what’s a bit funny, says Kilde. Sunday’s descent is scheduled to start at 11.30.
