Aksel Hennie plays Peer Gynt at Gålå – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The premiere of the Peer Gynt play at Gålå is just around the corner. Aksel Hennie plays the role of Peer. He has spent a long time understanding who Peer is. – Many hours and time have gone into understanding and learning what kind of person this is. TOOK TIME: It has taken time to understand Peer. Here is Aksel Hennie as Peer and Guri Johnson as mother Åse. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news – Has breathed and breathed Peer Gynt Hennie admits that he had no special relationship with Peer Gynt before he himself had to play the role. – How has it been to settle into the role of Peer Gynt? – My introduction to getting into that character is no different to all other characters I have got into. The difference is that Henrik Ibsen has written one of the greatest, most important and most complex works of poetry in world history. Director Per Olav Sørensen says Hennie has put in a lot of work to understand Peer. – In a way, he has become a Peer, or the Peer that we want to create, he says. DIVERSITY: In this year’s production there has also been a lot of awareness of diversity: – We must have people on stage who look like most people. We live in 2022 and not 1969, says the director. Photo: Terje Bendiksby/NTB Scanpix Tried to make the piece more accessible In the work on the piece, it has been a goal that it should be accessible and understandable to as many people as possible. – If we lose people who just want to see a show and be entertained, or watch this here for the first time, then I think it’s a great sin against our audience, says Hennie. As a move to make the play accessible, they have put effort into making the text easier to understand. Expressions such as “pre-stuck” have, for example, been replaced by “hidden away”. – Without changing or simplifying too much, it is possible to change words that make the text more accessible to today’s audience. And I think that is important and the right thing to do. SIMPLIFIED: Changes have been made to the game to make it a little easier to understand. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news – We know that Ibsen wanted his plays to be understood. We know that he was concerned that people should feel something, understand something, be enriched. If his pieces are unavailable, because they are perceived as old-fashioned or are unavailable due to other things, then we not only commit a sin against him, but also against the material and ourselves. – Excited about what people will think Mimmi Tamba, who plays Solveig, believes that the changes have made the play clearer. – It is very exciting to dare to do that with Ibsen’s text, she says. It will be a different Peer Gynt than she has seen before. – I am very excited about what people will think, she says. SOLVEIG: Mimmi Tamba as Solveig. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news Unique Working with Peer Gynt at Gålå cannot be compared to anything else Hennie has done before. – It is both because the piece is what it is, but also everything around it. The seriousness and passion that I experience from the local area and the volunteers in the project, and all the actors and directors. Everyone in the creative staff has the same goal. He believes the audience will have a good experience when they see the play. – I am quite sure that it is impossible to come here and see this play without having a thought and an opening for a good conversation afterwards, says Hennie.
