Aker BP to invest 200 billion on the NCS – news Trøndelag

With investments in excess of 200 billion, this is one of Europe’s largest private industrial ventures, it is stated in a stock exchange announcement. Aker BP has several contracts with its partners. And says this will mean 150,000 man-years in Norway. – It will be felt in cities and towns all over the country, says Karl Johnny Hersvik, who is CEO of Aker BP. This means, for example, that Aker Solution and those they collaborate with have signed contracts to develop the Yggdrasil, Valhall PWP-Fenris and Skarv satellite fields. Aker Solutions alone expects that these contracts will provide around 50,000 man-years. It includes ripple effects for subcontractors and others. A total of ten PUDs and one PAD are being handed over to the Government today. It is Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap) who receives them. – Today we are writing history for Norway. Never before have investment decisions been made that add up to NOK 200 billion on the NCS, says chairman of Aker BP, Øyvind Eriksen. He says a more important decision has never been made in the whole of Aker. – Over the next five years, we will lay the foundations for new generations in our companies, and for our suppliers, which Norway needs. Would not have been possible without cooperation The investment Aker BP is now making would not have been possible without cooperation and dialogue with the Norwegian authorities, believes the chairman. He says that there is a temporary change in the petroleum tax, which makes this possible. The managing director, Hersvik, says the same. He points out that the package of measures adopted by the Storting in the summer of 2020 has been important for both the supplier industry and society. – The package of measures made the oil companies dare to invest again. The wheels came into motion. Now we stand here a little over two years later and see the direct result of the package of measures, says Hersvik in a stock exchange announcement. Largest contract award in one quarter – This will ensure a high level of activity and predictability for all Aker Solutions locations in Norway and at many of our international locations for several years to come, writes CEO Kjetel Digre in Aker Solutions, in a press release. He points out that these assignments are collectively the largest contracts awarded in a single quarter in the company’s history. – The work on these projects provides the opportunity to continue development in renewables, with investments in people, digitalisation, shipyard facilities and project implementation, writes Digre. A platform deck on a trip from Verdal to the North Sea last summer. Work at four shipyards Most of the investments will be made at Aker Solutions’ four shipyards in Norway. In Verdal, they will, among other things, invest in a robotic and automated production line. There they will build four steel undercarriage and two topsides. – This means that we get the necessary capacity to deliver oil and gas projects in the short term, and position ourselves to be competitive for aquaculture and offshore wind when that market arrives, writes communications manager Tove Strand Trana at Aker Solutions. In Rogaland, too, they are very satisfied today. – We are very happy that the whole of Norway is involved in this. We have many operators who are guaranteed jobs in the future, says Kjetil Vågen, who is location manager for Aker Solutions in Stavanger, who says this is a big day for them, Aker BP and the entire industry. Vågen points out that this means a lot and that they are guaranteed a job for many years. – We have a large workforce and engineering force in Rogaland. Now there will be calm on the work front, and that we can contribute to the improvement and development of digitalisation. It is very important to us here in Stavanger.
