Aina (75) killed – allegedly helped the murderer with practical tasks – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The police started an investigation after Aina Hynne (75) was found badly injured at an address in Kirkenær in Grue municipality on Friday. She was taken to hospital, but later died at the hospital as a result of her injuries. news has been in contact with assistance lawyer Jan Erik Myrvold. He says that the family is in agreement with the woman’s name appearing in the media. It was Aina Hynne (75) who was killed in Grue on Friday. Photo: Isolø It was the newspaper Glåmdalen that mentioned the name first. The woman is said to have been a well-known figure in Grue. The 75-year-old is said to have run a sports shop for several years. Knew each other The police write in a press release on Saturday that they have received information that the deceased has voluntarily helped the accused with practical tasks for a long time. Several sources also tell news that the accused man, who is in his 30s, should have received help from the woman over several years. – We have reason to believe that the accused and the deceased knew each other from before, said police attorney Anja Ruud on Friday evening. According to TV 2, the man became a Norwegian citizen in 2014. Lights are on in the area where Aina was found badly injured. Photo: Ann-Kristin Mo / news Seized The accused was arrested yesterday after he reported himself to the police yesterday approx. at 12.45 p.m. The arrest went smoothly, the police report in a press release. The police report that they have made a seizure in the case, but for reasons of investigation, the police will not go into this in any further detail at this time. – When it comes to what has been seized in addition to the car, which the accused drove off with, we cannot disclose it now for the sake of the investigation, Ruud said on Friday evening. The police also announced on Saturday that, for reasons of investigation, the police will not go into this in any further detail at the present time. The police are at the address in Grue and are investigating. Photo: Ann-Kristin Mo / news The police state that they are still investigating the scene with forensic experts and that more witness interviews will be carried out throughout the day. Nor can they say anything more about the victim’s injuries. Interrogated today A preliminary examination of the accused was carried out yesterday, and the accused is being questioned by the police today together with his defense counsel. Defense attorney Frode Aabakk spoke to the accused last night. – He is very broken down because of what happened, Aabakk told news on Friday evening. He did not want to comment on how the man stands up to the charge until he has been questioned. The police are at the site where the woman was found badly injured. Photo: Ann-Kristin Mo / news Want tips about hitchhikers The police still want tips. – The police are particularly interested in getting in touch with any person(s) who transported a hitchhiker from the area south of Kirkenær to Kongsvinger on Friday morning, they write in the press release. They are asked to contact the police’s tipline: 94016555, alternatively 02800 as soon as possible. Woman in her 70s Was found badly injured at an address in Kirkenær on Friday. She later died from her injuries. Must have helped the man with work and various adaptations in society for several years. Man in his 30s Arrested and charged with murder on 26 January. According to TV2, the man became a Norwegian citizen in 2014. According to his defender, he is very broken down after the incident.
