“AI-generated” is the word of the year in 2023 – news Vestland

Chat GPT, AI-generated images and Snapchat’s “My AI”. Chances are you’ve heard about this type of artificial intelligence in the past year. – Artificial intelligence has truly become common property in 2023, says Director of the Language Council, Åse Wetås. This is the background for choosing the word of the year, which is therefore “AI-generated”. – “AI-generated” is an adjective, and means something along the lines of “made with artificial intelligence”. This is a word that will become important in the future, believes Wetås. AI rather than AI: Director of the Language Council, Åse Wetås, believes it is important that we have good, Norwegian vocabulary. She supports the use of KI (artificial intelligence) rather than AI (artificial intelligence). Photo: Oda Hveem Every year, the Language Council chooses “Word of the Year” in collaboration with professor at the Norwegian School of Economics, Gisle Andersen. They deal with databases of words that have been used in the media during the year, and compare these with findings from previous years. The word that is chosen must denote something that has characterized the year as a whole. Word of the year 2023 AI-generated Dementia score Billionaire flight Polycrisis Green colonialism Sensitivity reader Animal time Ultra-processed Plan washing Neurogastric fold Words that didn’t quite reach: Pig inflation Novent Barbenheimer – We are concerned that it should be something that has been widely discussed, and preferably something that is not only connected to a single news item, but which is a bit more general, says NHH professor Gisle Andersen. – And then it must be something that we have faith in for the future. This applies very much to the word AI-generated, because we believe that it will be used a lot, also in the future. AI or AI? If we look at Norwegians’ Google habits for 2023, it is clear that artificial intelligence is something we are concerned with. “How to remove My AI” and “What is AI” are among the questions we have searched for the most times this year. AI is also the English abbreviation for artificial intelligence, and stands for artificial intelligence. While the English abbreviation is the most popular in our neighboring countries, it is the Norwegian abbreviation that has gained a foothold here at home. – Although there are still some who talk about AI in Norway, it is the Norwegian abbreviation KI, which is mostly used in new compositions and in new connections, explains Andersen. Word of the year 2023-2008 2023: AI-generated 2022: Shrinkflation 2021: Sports laundry 2020: Corona 2019: Climate roar 2018: Destinyland meeting 2017: Falske nyhende 2016: Four-day integration 2015: The green shift 2014: Foreign warriors 2013: Slow TV 20 12: To nave ( naving) 2011: Rose train 2010: Oskefast 2009: Swine flu 2008: Financial crisis Polycrisis and expensive times War, conflict and economic uncertainty have also characterized 2023. On the top 10 list we find words that reflect this. Andersen highlights the new word “polycrisis” as another word that has been significant for the past year. There has been explosive growth in the use of both AI-generated services and the word “AI-generated”, says professor at NHH, Gisle Andersen. Photo: Marit Hommedal – The word polycrisis means that many different crises are going on at the same time, and it is quite appropriate for the situation that Norway and the world are in. We have two wars not so far from our own home, and the situation of expensive time and high electricity prices and lots of different things that people struggle with. “Animal time” was another option, says the NHH professor. The word is anything but new, on the contrary, it was very widely used at the beginning of the 20th century. – But then there is something about the fact that there has been explosive growth in recent years. There has been so much talk about expensive times as a term for the economically difficult times that many people are experiencing right now. “Dyrtid” thus did not quite reach the top, but still got a place on this year’s top 10 list.
