Agreement on civil cooperation in Oslo city council ready – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The Progress Party will decide on the agreement at a meeting of the new city council group at 17:30 this afternoon. DEPUTY MAYOR: Julianne Ofstad from the Progressive Party will apparently be Oslo’s new deputy mayor. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news This is confirmed by several sources to news. The agreement means that Julianne Ofstad (25) will become deputy mayor. Both news, Dagsavisen and Aftenposten are experiencing this. Waiting for Frp Sources in several parties confirm to news that the agreement between the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party, the Progressive Party and the Christian People’s Party was already negotiated before the weekend. Since then, the other three have been waiting for Frp. It has taken time to get the agreement approved by Oslo Frp’s bodies, according to what we are told. In Oslo Frp, there must be divided opinions on whether the agreement is good enough. Among other things, the criticism is that it does not give the party enough influence in transport policy. With such a binding agreement, the minority city council of the Conservatives and Liberals will have a clear majority behind them in the city council. This will ensure a certain working peace. Raymond is still in office Although the election in Oslo resulted in a bourgeois victory, Raymond Johansen (Ap) has not resigned six weeks after the election. The reason is that there is no declared majority against Johansen’s red-green city council. The Conservatives and Liberals also wanted to have a cooperation agreement in place before presenting their city council platform. The agreement says something about the political impact the FRP and KrF will get for supporting a city council they are not themselves part of. And it says how the parties are to distribute positions in the city council between them. The new city council in Oslo meets for the first time on Wednesday. Then there will also be room for a new city council.
