Agreement in the state settlement – but Unio is not involved – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– We have received approval to lift the whole team, ensure equal pay and equalize differences, says Egil André Aas, head of LO Stat in a press release. Leader Egil André Aas in LO state. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB All full-time employees in LO’s member federations in the state are guaranteed NOK 31,000 in general allowance. This means that low-wage earners in the state will receive extra this year and are guaranteed increased purchasing power. The framework is 5.2 per cent, the same as in the front subject. A small part of the settlement, 15 percent, goes to local negotiations. It is less than in previous years. – Large pots for local distribution often lead to some people getting a lot, and others nothing. This results in a development that we do not want to continue with, says Aas. Former leader Guro E. Lind in Unio, state personnel director Gisle Norheim, leader Egil André Aas in LO state, leader Kari Tønnesen Nordli in Akademikerne state and leader Jens Jahren in YS State. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB YS satisfied YS Stat leader Jens B. Jahren is also satisfied with the result. – We are happy that we have secured a large general supplement and a good provision for local negotiations, which gives our members a significant wage increase, he says. This year’s salary negotiations were finalized on Friday evening, well before the deadline at midnight on the night of Monday. The academics have also reached an agreement with the state on an agreement with the same financial framework. They have a separate agreement where the negotiations take place locally. Going forward, the local parties in each business must now, through local, collective negotiations, agree on the distribution of the framework applicable from 1 May. – This means a historically high pot. Local negotiations are important for the Academics. It is in the individual workplace that you know your challenges and needs best, and then the local parties must be able to use salary negotiations to ensure the necessary expertise. In the negotiations, the parties can choose to give general supplements, individual supplements or supplements to specific groups, says head of the Akademikerne state, Kari Tønnessen Nordli. Leader Kari Tønnesen Nordli in Akademikerne stat. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB Unio not with Unio is the only party that has not accepted the settlement. – Unio State is still in negotiations with the state, it says on Unio’s website on Friday evening. Local Government and District Minister Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (Sp) is nevertheless happy that most of the settlement has been settled. – I am very happy because through a negotiated solution we have agreed with the Academics, LO Stat and YS Stat on a salary settlement within the front subject framework of 5.2 per cent, he says. (NTB)
