Agreement between Russia and the Wagner boss after dramatic uprising – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Belarus claimed on Saturday evening that they have reached an agreement with the Wagner boss to calm the conflict. This is now confirmed by the Kremlin. Part of the agreement must be that Prigozhin must go to Belarus. The president of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, is said to have had talks with Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin. The aim must have been to calm down the conflict. According to the Kremlin, Lukashenko himself initiated the conversation. According to the Russian authorities, no soldiers from the Wagner group, nor Prigozhin himself, will be prosecuted. Wagner soldiers who did not participate in the mobilization against Moscow are offered to sign contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense. Pulling out Prigozhin confirmed earlier this evening that they halted the advance on Moscow. – We are returning to the bases to avoid bloodshed, he says in an audio message on the app Telegram. He has not yet confirmed whether they have entered into any agreement with Belarus or Russia. It is uncertain what happens next. The Wagner group is said to have now pulled out of the southern Russian millionaire city of Rostov, which they captured earlier on Saturday. This is reported by the AFP news agency. Cheering for the Wagner forces A video shows several residents cheering for the Wagner soldiers, in the southern Russian city of Rostov, which the Wagner Group captured earlier today. The citizens shout “Wagner! Wagner!” saluting outside the military headquarters that the Wagner Group has taken control of. – Forced to punish Prigozhin Chief researcher at the Defense Research Institute and former chief of defense, Sverre Diesen, tells news that the Wagner boss has probably found out that he overplayed his hand by moving towards Moscow. – We have witnessed a mercenary chief who, in addition to commanding significant military forces, also had political ambitions. Prigozhin thus took the chance to challenge the incumbent Russian defense leadership. Indirectly, he also challenges the regime in Russia itself. It is difficult to see that Putin will not have to punish Prigozhin, Diesen believes. – Then he risks looking weak, he says. Regarding whether Putin can trust the Wagner boss after this, Diesen says: – No, in reality he cannot. If Putin is not to emerge from this as a greatly weakened autocrat, he will have to let this have some consequence. He nevertheless emphasizes that Putin needs the Wagner soldiers on his team in the war against Ukraine. – But Putin can and probably wants to remove Prigozhin, says Diesen. Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin in a video sent to his followers on the app Telegram. Photo: AP – Will still need a lot of support – The situation in Russia is very serious and unclear, and the government is following the situation closely. Throughout the day, I have had ongoing contact with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Minister for Defense and the Minister for Justice and Emergency Services, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. He goes on to say that the situation is unpredictable, and that we must be prepared that it will remain unresolved in the days to come. At a press conference this evening, Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt said the following: – This is an armed rebellion and we are in close contact with our foreign missions in Russia. We have long talked about the fact that the war in Ukraine could lead to rapid changes and instability in Russia. The timing was unexpected, but that something like this could happen is not surprising, says Huitfeldt. Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt at the press conference where she explained the situation in Russia. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB The events in Russia do not affect Norway’s support for Ukraine, she states. – There is nothing to indicate that the threat to Ukraine is less now. They will continue to need a lot of support. Russia started the war in Ukraine, and can choose to end it at any time, says Huitfeldt. Ukraine announced on Saturday evening that they are launching new offensives on the eastern front, and claim they have advanced in several areas along the front line. This is reported by the AFP news agency. Haven’t heard from Norwegians in Russia Just over 100 Norwegian citizens are registered to be in Russia this week and next week. – Since registration is voluntary, the number may be somewhat higher. So far, we have not received any inquiries from Norwegian citizens who want assistance. We still encourage Norwegian citizens to register. We advise against all travel to Russia. Norwegian citizens in Russia are encouraged to keep calm and follow the calls from the authorities, says the foreign minister. When asked how Norway views a possible situation where the Wagner group carries out a coup in Russia, she replies as follows: – We will have to speculate on the development. We see this is an armed rebellion, so I will not speculate on what will come later. No changes at the Norwegian border Regarding whether preparedness should be upgraded at the Norwegian border with Russia, she says: – It is something the Minister of Justice is following closely and there are plans that can be implemented, but there are currently no changes at the Norwegian border. – Has the nuclear threat to Norway increased? – I can’t see that there have been major changes in this, says Huitfeldt. Tanks in Rostov-na-Donu manned by Wagner soldiers. Photo: AP – Do Norway and NATO hope that the Wagner group will win? – I think it would be wrong of me to comment on the situation as you put me in this situation. Then we must continue to support Ukraine, because there is nothing to indicate that Russia will withdraw from Ukraine, says the foreign minister. Ukraine warns on Saturday evening that it is launching new offensives on the eastern front and claims that it has advanced in several areas along the front line. This is reported by the AFP news agency. Prigozhin’s Wagner forces retreated from the Donbas region to the city of Rostov-na-Donu in Russia. From Rostov-na-Donu they moved to the large city of Voronezh, about 500 kilometers south of Moscow. On Saturday afternoon, the governor of the Russian city of Lipetsk confirmed , Igor Artamono, that Wagner forces drove through the county. The goal from there is the capital Moscow. On Saturday night, the Wagner boss confirmed that they are “moving back to base”. It is unclear where he means. Wagner forces moved towards Moscow On Saturday afternoon, the governor of the Russian city of Lipetsk, Igor Artamono, confirmed that Wagner forces were driving through the county, in the direction of Moscow. – The Wagner forces have arrived in the county south of Moscow, he reported on Telegram, but could not specify where in the county they were observed. People are asked to stay at home and not drive on the M4 motorway unless absolutely necessary. It is along this road that the Wager group drives, a road that goes to Moscow. In Moscow, the mayor asks people not to move around the city, writes Reuters. – The situation is difficult, and an anti-terrorist regime has been declared in the Russian capital, says mayor Sergej Sobyanin. He also declared that Monday will be a non-working day in Moscow. The governor of Moscow has also canceled all major outdoor events in Moscow until the first of July. They come from the Russian city of Voronezh, which borders Ukraine. There, the Wagner group took control of military facilities. According to the governor of Voronezh, the Russian defense forces are carrying out operations against the Wagner soldiers in the area, reports the Reuters news agency. Received promises of amnesty Rostov-na-Donu was the first Russian city the Wagner group captured this morning. Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin said that if Russia’s defense chief and defense minister did not come to the city, they would head towards Moscow. A young local man poses with Wagner soldiers in Rostov-na-Donu. Photo: AFP According to Google Maps, several roadblocks have been set up on the M4 motorway, and the journey was estimated to be close to six hours at normal driving speed. The mercenaries in the Wagner group have been promised amnesty if they lay down their weapons, but they must do so quickly, the Tass news agency reported earlier today. Wagner commander Yevgeny Prigozhin has stated that the goal of the uprising is to overthrow the military leadership in Russia, and that his 25,000 soldiers are ready to die for it. It is uncertain how many soldiers Prigozhin actually has at his disposal. Earlier today, the Russian authorities issued an arrest warrant for the Wagner boss. Also listen:
