Åge Markus Schultz and Hauk Seim Flåøien take matters into their own hands – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– There is a great need for stories like this. Åge Markus Schultz (25) is non-binary, and has long missed seeing himself represented in computer games. The same is known to his friend Hauk Seim Flåøien (25), who is a transman. Seven years ago, they created the game development company Vertebrae Entertainment. Now they are working on an action game where the main character is a gay trans man. – Transmen are incredibly rare in games. We went through a list of queer characters. Out of over 100 characters, we could count the number of transmen on one hand, says Schultz. Now the duo is receiving praise from several quarters. GAMEPLAY: In the game you can fish, fight monsters and fall in love. Video: Vertebrae Entertainment Representing yourself The mysterious main character, who does not yet have a name, lives in a small fishing village. In the game, you can overhear the conversations of the other inhabitants. – You can notice a kind of ice front, which melts a little as the others get to know the main character, says Schultz. Hen says that much of the inspiration comes from the experience of being queer in a small village. – Where I grew up, I felt that there were not many others like me. I want to explore that in the game. INSPIRATION: Schultz has drawn a lot of inspiration from his own experience of growing up in a small place. Photo: Frode Meskau / news Vertebrae Entertainment has received support from the Eastern Norwegian Film Center to develop the fishing game. It is still early in development, and the duo envisions releasing the game in 2023. Schultz believes it is natural that queer game developers want to represent themselves in the games they create. In that way, they will contribute to increasing diversity in the games industry. Following Joakim Johansen Østby is senior lecturer at the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo. He has researched the representation of queerness in games, and the development in recent years. RESEARCHER: Østby researches, among other things, queer game developers and players. Photo: Privat He believes that the gaming industry lags behind on the diversity front, compared to film and TV. Part of the reason for that is that the target group for computer games has generally been young men. – But in the last 10-15 years, we have seen a gaming industry which is more attentive to representation, and which is beginning to realize that the gaming audience is quite diverse. Østby praises Vertebrae Entertainment for betting on a game with a trans person in the lead role. – Trans people have often been portrayed as villains or morbid victims in computer games, so it is time that trans people also get good and valuable representation in games. ART: The duo has taken a lot of inspiration from Norwegian cities for the appearance of the game. Video: Vertebrae Entertainment In addition to the fact that representation in computer games can make many people feel that they are not alone, Østby believes that it can also contribute to more openness in society. The unique thing about computer games is that you can get an insight into what it’s like to stand in someone else’s shoes. – Representation in games is not the same as in film and TV, it is a more dynamic and interactive form that I think many people can enjoy. The senior lecturer is well underway with a new research project on queer game developers and players. One of the goals is to contribute to the government’s upcoming computer games strategy. – Exciting project Culture Minister Anette Trettebergstuen (Ap) says that the computer game strategy should contribute to more games being made, which in itself will contribute to more diversity. COMPUTER GAMES STRATEGY: Trettebergstuen is looking forward to presenting the Computer Games Strategy. Photo: Stig Jaarvik / news She is concerned that computer games, on the same level as film and TV, are something we surround ourselves with every day. – Then the universe we experience in games must be representative of what we experience in society. The Minister of Culture has himself visited Schultz and Flåøien, and thinks their project is exciting. She says that she is rooting for new, young players who are just focusing on making diverse games. TRANSMAN: The main character in Vertebrae Entertainment’s fishing game is a mysterious transman. Photo: Vertebrae Entertainment On the road to improvement Schultz and Flåøien believe the gaming industry is on the road to improvement when it comes to diversity and inclusion. At the same time, they know that there are players who are negative about the development. The duo hopes that these too are willing to try their game. – It is important to be able to see people who are not like you, and to be able to see other perspectives so that you develop more empathy and understanding for others, says Flåøien. ART: Flåøien is responsible for the art and design of the game. Photo: Frode Meskau / news The duo says that there is great interest in games with queer stories. – It is worth keeping your eyes open for the little “queers” in the boys’ room who have interesting stories to share. Hey you! What do you think about this case? Do you have any tips for other cases I should look into? Then please feel free to contact me!
