Åge Aleksandersen harshly against Norwegian who has increased ticket prices due to. SAS strike – news Troms and Finnmark

“Increasing the price for one traveler from Trondheim to Tromsø by NOK 6,000 in one day is shameful,” Aleksandersen told news. On July 4, negotiations between the SAS management and the pilots broke down. On the same day, around 900 pilots went out in line. In the wake of canceled departures, Norwegian has raised the prices of its airline tickets. And then especially between north and south. – Skimmer cream Åge and Sambandet will play at Midnattsrocken in Lakselv tonight. When the tickets north for the 20 in the crew were to be ordered this week, they got a chin drop. The tickets, which the day before had cost 9,000 kroner for one person round trip Trondheim – Tromsø, suddenly cost over 15,000 kroner! This would give an additional cost for the band of 120,000 kroner. Åge Aleksandersen reacts to the fact that Norwegian has increased air ticket prices by 67 percent in one day. Photo: Hans Erik Lindbom / news – Strike is legal, and we can not say much about it. But those who skim the cream of this do not exactly reap respect. This is about exploiting people who are having a hard time and trying to get from one place to another. Difficult solitaire For Åge and Sambandet, it was in any case not relevant to travel with Norwegian. The airline did not have any more tickets left. The rescue was Widerøe. – We live in different places and it was therefore a difficult solitaire to lay. Now we have arrived safely all man to Tromsø, said Aleksandersen, when we spoke to him this morning. – We have spent about 200,000 kroner on the plane tickets. For us, there was no alternative to cancel. We wanted to show the organizers the respect they deserve, and then we shit in Norwegian. It has cost a fortune, but we are looking forward to playing, says Aleksandersen. – Can not find words Aleksandersen posted a post on Facebook earlier this week where he deals with the mentality in Norwegian. Among other things, he points out that the state has on several occasions used the community’s funds to help both Norwegian and SAS. The last time Norwegian received help was in 2021, in connection with the corona pandemic. – At that time, the airline received over a billion kroner. I reckon that those who sit on the purse strings somewhere, notice what is happening now. – And that it will be so much extra expensive to travel north, I can hardly find words for, says Aleksandersen. – Natural increase Norwegian Communications Director in Norwegian, Grete Roald, claims that Norwegian does not deliberately raise prices in isolation as a result of the strike in SAS. – Airfare prices are dynamic and governed by supply and demand. When there is an extremely high demand for airline tickets and few vacant seats, as has been the case recently, it is natural that prices go up, she says. – We have no intention of pretending that SAS is in a difficult situation. Prices are controlled by a system that uses algorithms in the calculation. – But can you not override the system and lower prices? – I actually do not know how it goes, says Roald, who emphasizes that this is something she has no factual knowledge of. – The prices of airline tickets are governed by supply and demand. Not if there is a strike in SAS, says communications director at Norwegian, Grete Roald. Photo: Thomas Brun Exploded capacity Roald says that the prices of airline tickets between north and south will remain high for a while. The reason is that those between the parts of the country have few flights and consequently a large rift over the seats. And this is unlikely to change unless they deploy more aircraft. They have no plans to do so. – We would have liked to have flown more often to northern Norway. But we do not have the opportunity as the situation is now. We have the planes we have and already fly these at full capacity, says communications director Grete Roald. – Has sympathy State Secretary in the Ministry of Transport, Johan Vasara, has realized that there is now increased dissatisfaction with high air fares. And he sympathizes with all those who experience that the holiday becomes much more expensive. – We have sympathy with the travelers. Especially those who live in the rural areas and are hit extra hard right now. However, there is little the state can do about prices. This is regulated by market forces. For several years, these have resulted in low air fares, but now that there is a shortage, the same market forces arise the opposite way, says Vasara. State Secretary in the Ministry of Transport, Johan Vasara, has sympathy with the travelers. Photo: Tanja Norbye / news Vasara says he still hopes that the transport providers show restraint. – Precisely considering that the situation is so difficult for many travelers, says Vasara. news has checked ticket prices in the north right now. For a single ticket with Norwegian, one traveler, one way from Alta to Tromsø on July 14, the prices vary from 4999 kroner to 9986 kroner. On the same date, a ticket from Kirkenes to Oslo costs NOK 5,936 for one traveler, one way. If you travel from Alta to Oslo on July 14, you get away with NOK 4,999 for one traveler, one way.
