Agder Energi changes name to Å Energi – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Have your say on the new name at the bottom of the article. – Unnecessarily cumbersome, says mayor of Flekkefjord, Thorbjørn Klungland. – Fantastically creative, says deputy mayor of Åseral, Gro Boge Aasheim. In the process of finding a new name for the merger between Glitre Energi and Agder Energi, the power company announced an internal name competition. 1087 names were suggested. One remained. Oh. When Bente Skretting came to work on Monday, the CEO was ready with a bouquet of flowers. It was she who suggested the hub. – I thought it was really exciting that they dared to bet on it, she says, but understands that people can be skeptical. This is the logo of the merger company Agder Energi og Glitre. In the logo, there will be space to fill in verbs relevant to the power company. For example “create” or “produce” Photo: Å Energi – Quite a bad name Skretting is a bit skeptical himself. At the same time, she also believes that a Norwegian letter can arouse interest abroad. – It is identified with the Nordic. I think it can mature. At the owners’ meeting on Monday, where all Agder municipalities were represented, only one mayor was against the name. – I thought it was a rather bad name. As an international company that has to deal with other countries, it’s a bit stupid, says mayor of Flekkefjord, Torbjørn Klungland. He thinks it can get confusing on an international stage. – It is stupid to land on a Nordic letter that does not exist either on keyboards or web addresses, says Klungland. Torbjørn Klungland found Å Energi to be complicating and unnecessarily confusing. Photo: Svein Sundsdal / news On the other hand, Å Energi receives positive feedback from others. the deputy mayor of Åseral and mayor of Tvedestrand Marianne Landaas. – I thought it was great. Long story short and it’s about time. Å is a river, and the power comes from water. I actually think it was absolutely brilliant, says Marianne Landaas, who is the mayor of Tvedestrand. . SV politician Robin Hansson shares Klungland’s view. – It sounds like a silly company. I think that many in the younger generation may not know what to be, he says to Fædrelandsvennen. Must tell the story CEO Steffen Syversen is sure they have found a name that suits the power company. – It is a simple, sincere and future-oriented good name. It is also the name of a river. Many small streams make a big stream. Much of Agder Energi’s power production comes precisely from Agder’s three large rivers. But he understands that people may react to the name change. – Some people like it very much right away. Someone will probably have to chew on it a bit, he says. Syversen says they will now work to build the story around the name, so that people understand the meaning of it. The press release on their website states, among other things, that they have taken the infinitive mark “Å” as an inspiration for the power company’s future plans. – It inspires action. Now we can say to produce energy, to create energy, he says. CEO Steffen Syversen says the new name plays on what the power company does. Photo: Leif Dalen / news Difficult to google Lars Bergstad is a senior adviser at the communications agency Aptum. He already believes that the attention the name change has received can be considered positive for the company. – You have to stop and wonder what this means. You could perhaps say that it is one of the things they are trying to get out of the name, says Bergstad. He questions how the name will be received abroad. – They themselves say it will be an exciting name to take abroad, so you can ask questions about those who do not have a keyboard with Å. How will they find the website, asks Bergstad. – We think that having an international name with a separate Nordic letter is something that will work very well. The letter can be easily pronounced in English, says CEO Steffen Syversen. Bergstad does not think the choice of name is sensational and is not surprised that it has caused reactions. Especially since it is a public company. – When they get to tell the story and people understand, this will be a nice name, Bergstad believes. What do you think of the new name? Hi! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
