Agder Energi and Glitre Energi closer merger

The owners of Glitre Energi had already agreed to the merger. Now the owner municipalities in Agder Energi have also agreed to “marriage” after more than two years of discussion and work. But there is great disagreement among the 25 owner municipalities in Agder Energi. – The majority does not need to rise, but recognize the minority’s good arguments, said Per Sverre Kvinlaug, who is mayor of Kvinesdal and leader of the owner municipalities’ working committee, before the municipalities were to vote. He points out that in several municipalities decisions have been made with a majority of one or a few votes. – I would wish that we had a large yes majority, or a large no majority. But it won’t be like that. It is perhaps not so strange either. This is a difficult matter, said Kvinlaug. Becomes among the country’s largest A merger will make the company one of the largest power companies in the country. It will be the largest online company in the country with around 300,000 customers. It will be the third largest producer of renewable energy, Agder Energi has previously stated. The company will also be the third largest hydropower producer in the country with an average annual production of around 11.3 TWh. Tried to postpone merger at the last second But in the last week, several municipalities have tried to stop or postpone the merger process at the last minute. It also happened when it was time to vote. The critics believe that the current current situation makes it sensible to postpone a merger. – We think it is important to understand what comes up in the electricity commission, what the EU puts in the coffers to bring down the electricity price, and what comes in the state budget, says mayor Even Tronstad Sagebakken (Ap). During the owners’ meeting, he would present a proposal to postpone the merger. This was rejected. – I want that in writing and reasoned, said Sagebakken. Would not vote Sirdal mayor Johnny Liland made it clear that Sirdal would not vote during the owners’ meeting. He would rather attend the general meeting and vote against the merger there. But this was also refused and it was pointed to agreements that had been entered into in advance, where it was stated how the process was to proceed. Sirdal ultimately voted against the merger. The critics fear that a merger will cause the owner municipalities to lose control of the company. Among other things, they fear that even more green energy will disappear out of the country through the power cables. Mira Svartnes Thorsen (MDG) from the Kristiansand city council also took the floor and asked for a postponement, despite the fact that her city council had previously said yes. She also indicated that the current situation has changed. – The merger has changed significantly from before the summer. It is obvious that there are more people who wish to look at the situation more closely before we land something, she said. But the critical voices lost in the end. Lindesnes mayor Even Tronstad Sagebakken (Ap) is critical of the merger between Agder Energi and Glitre Energi. Photo: Elisabeth Sandve / news That is why they want to merge the companies Supporters of a merger believe it is almost essential in order to be able to compete with other power companies. – The players around us have become bigger and stronger. We are in a market where size matters in order to offer long-term prospects and good contracts to both businesses and private consumers. In my view, merging will make us better equipped to produce and distribute energy, says CEO of Agder Energi Steffen Syvertsen. – This is not a district championship or a national championship. This is a European championship and perhaps a world championship. We have to take in the big picture, says chairman of Agder Energi Lars Erik Torjussen. The mayor of Evje and Hornnes, Svein Arne Haugen, voted for the merger, but admits that there is uncertainty. – We don’t know what is best or worst. But we must choose and stand for the choice. That’s just the way it is. We are faced with two good alternatives, says Haugen. Evje and Hornnes mayor Svein Arne Haugen admits that it is difficult to know whether it is right to merge the power companies or not. Photo: Elisabeth Sandve / news New company from 1 January The merger will finally be decided during an extraordinary general meeting on 20 September. But everyone is obliged to vote the same, as during Monday’s owner meeting in Agder Energi. Thus, the extraordinary general meeting is in practice a formality. It has been announced that Statkraft, which is also a co-owner of Agder Energi, will vote for the merger. Agder Energi stated at the owners’ meeting that a merged company could be in operation from 1 January 2023.
