Affected students will be given the opportunity to cancel the exam – Latest news – news

26 May 2023 at 13:08 UDIR: Affected students will be given the opportunity to cancel the exam The students in the upper secondary school who were affected by the login problems during the exam on Monday will be given the opportunity to cancel the exam. That is what the Norwegian Directorate of Education says on Friday. – The most important thing for us has been to find the fairest solution for as many students as possible, says Morten Rosenkvist, Director of the Directorate of Education in a press release. Several people had problems logging in during exams at upper secondary schools on Monday. Today, the Directorate of Education writes that they have now decided that schools will be allowed to apply in groups for the cancellation of exams on behalf of affected pupils. The student decides for himself whether they want to be on this list, informs UDIR. – The situation on Monday has affected students differently. Therefore, there is no perfect solution that everyone will perceive as fair. But we believe this solution takes care of the various situations best, while at the same time it can be implemented quickly, says Rosenkvist in the press release.
