– Affected livers should be given the opportunity to cancel – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– The most important thing for us has been to find the fairest solution for as many students as possible, says Morten Rosenkvist, Director of the Directorate of Education in a press release. Many of the candidates who had their upper secondary school exams on Monday had problems when they had to log in. The Norwegian Directorate of Education has now decided that the schools will apply for group cancellation of the examination on behalf of the pupils who were affected. The student decides for himself whether he wants to be on this list. – The situation on Monday has affected students differently. Therefore, there is no perfect solution that everyone will perceive as fair. But we believe this solution takes care of the various situations best, while at the same time it can be implemented quickly, says Rosenkvist. Since Monday, the Directorate of Education has obtained information from county councils and schools to see what should be done about the situation of those affected after the delay. – It touches us to hear individual stories from those who were affected by the delay. At the same time, others have again completed without problems and delivered an exam they are satisfied with. Both of these considerations have been important for this decision, says Rosenkvist. Support from the Student Organization The directorate has also had meetings with the teachers’ organisations, the school leaders’ association, KS and the Student Organisation. – The student organization is very satisfied with the collaboration we have had with Udir this week and the solution that is coming, because it looks after the most students. Monday’s exams were for many students a disaster and for other students a positive experience, therefore it is important and right that you make arrangements for it to be the student’s choice whether to have their exam canceled or not. This is how we look after everyone, says incoming leader of the Student Organization, Petter Andreas Lona.
