Advertising with Pugs, French Bulldog, Persians and Finn’s advertising cat influences, says Dyrebeskyttelsen – news Nordland

Flat noses, small, curved ears and large eyes. It is natural that people think animals are cute. But it also leads to health challenges. It has long been known that the dog breed Pug is exposed to various diseases and physical ailments. Animal protection Norway believes that the advertising industry should stay away from such animals. They are afraid it will influence people to want these breeds. This applies, among other things, to the popular advertising cat for The Finn cat should not be used in advertising Åshild Roaldset, general manager of Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge, says it is a problem in Norway that the advertising industry chooses cute animals, which do not necessarily have good health. – Some unhealthy breeds that have a high disease burden are considered cute. Therefore, they are used a lot in advertising. We think it is a driving force for these breeds to become popular and people think they are cute. Åshild Roaldset, general manager of Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge, says that there should be regulations for animals in advertising in the same way as there are when animals are in competition. Photo: Anne K. Harkestad / Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge This especially applies to short-nosed dogs, cats and rabbits and rabbits with hanging ears. – Those who are bred sick, we do not want to be used in advertising. An example is the cat used in Finn commercials. The cat, known as puseFINN, is of the breed Scottish Fold. This breed has a genetic defect that interferes with the formation of bones and cartilage, according to animal protection. Photo: Screenshot – It is illegal to breed cats with folded ears. It should not be used for advertising purposes at all, says Roaldset in Dyrebeskyttelsen. Finn: – A popular cat got the cat PuseFINN in 2011. Guro Birkeland Tangen, senior communication consultant at Finn, says that they were then looking for a popular type. A cat who could live next door, but who had something distinct about him. The cat, known as puseFINN, is of the breed Scottish Fold. This breed has a genetic defect that interferes with the formation of bones and cartilage, according to animal protection. Photo: Screenshot They therefore landed on Scottish fold, which is apparently similar to a domestic cat, but with folded ears. – Surveys that were done at the time could not point to any challenges related to the choice of this breed, says Tangen. Guro Birkeland Tangen, senior communications consultant at FINN, points out that PuseFINN is a fresh Scottish Fold. Photo: Siri Vålberg Saugstad / news – We have recently become aware that there are animals of this breed that do not have good health, and we, like the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and Animal Welfare, are very sorry for that. FINN about the breed Schottish Fold FINN themselves say that they never had any desire to promote or market the breed to their advertising cat. Just under 800 searches are made for “scottish fold” on FINN every month, according to the website itself. In comparison, there are around 9,000 searches per month on the “maine coon” and over 80,000 searches on the word “cat” per month. – According to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Scottish folds are not banned in Norway. There are also no rule changes on consultation with regard to cat breeds that should be banned, says the senior adviser. But even if the breeds are not illegal, the treatment of these animals is a big part of the veterinarians’ daily lives. That’s what Frauke Becher, communications consultant at the Small Animal Practitioners’ Association, says. – It is sometimes a challenge for veterinarians to be able to have a good and constructive dialogue with animal owners and breeders on this topic. Due to the Persian’s short, flat face, with small nostrils and a too long soft palate, they can have breathing problems and problems with watery eyes. Photo: VADIM GHIRDA / AP – Breed standards must promote good health. It is important to have a comprehensive picture of, for example, a dog’s health status if this is to be used in breeding, Becher writes in an e-mail to news. Now they are working, among other things, to introduce a general health certificate as an appendix to all breeding-related certificates. – Steers away from breeds with health problems Janne Brenda Lysø, creative director of the advertising agency POL, says that it is demanding to work with animals in advertising in Norway, precisely because it is so important for the industry that the animals are well. The animals, for example, have the right to a lot of rest time during the film period, so filming with animals takes longer. But the agency has still lately worked with the advertising dog Otto, who advertises for Lotto. Lysø in the advertising agency POL says the dog breed is important for those who watch the commercials. Photo: Jørgen Nordby / Norsk Tipping – Otto is a Hunting Golden Retriever. It is not accidental. If you use a vulnerable dog, people react to it. – We make sure to use the breeds that are best, and steer clear of promoting breeds where there are a lot of health problems associated with. She receives support from Guri Neby in the production company Einar Film. She once experienced having to pull a commercial where a pug was used. The advertiser would not be associated with manipulated races. Photo: – People are very sensitive to animals, so you take that into account. All producers are concerned that animals are treated properly. Wants Norwegian industry standard Roaldset in Animal Protection Norway is nevertheless concerned that the advertising industry lacks knowledge about animal welfare. – In Norway, there are no regulations for the use of animals in advertising and film. The French Bulldog is also a breed that has health challenges related to obesity and difficulty breathing. Photo: Geo Chierchia / Unsplash That is why Animal Protection Norway wants us to look to England. There they have prepared a brochure on the use of animals in advertising and film. It deals with both short snouts and animals in unsuitable environments, like a rabbit with a carrot. Animal protection Norway now has plans to translate the English brochure about animals in film and advertising, so that Norwegian advertising companies can also benefit from it.
