Adrian Sellevoll hospitalized with fracture of neck and jaw after night bath accident – news Vestland

Tuesday night after the “Ex on the beach” celebrity had been to the Post Malone concert in the center of Bergen, he was only going to take a night bath. It could end fatally. Sellevoll climbed up on a shed roof at Bryggen in Bergen and took aim at the water twice. The second time he slipped and hit the pier edge with his head first, he writes on his Instagram profile. Sellevoll was picked up from the water and taken by ambulance to Haukeland University Hospital. Now he is hospitalized with a fracture in the neck and three fractures in the jaw on the right side, the musician writes. – I was damn lucky. Take care of each other and do not make stupid choices that could potentially ruin the rest of your life, Sellevoll writes on Instagram. SHARES THE STORY: Adrian Sellevoll himself shares the story of what happened Wednesday night on his Instagram profile. Photo: Facsimile from Instagram Fall accident in the center of Bergen 05.28 on Thursday night, the police received the first message that a man in his 20s had slipped on a roof and hit a pier. According to the station chief at Bergen city center police station, Lars Morten Lothe, there must have been several people who witnessed the incident. He does not want to name the person, but emphasizes that the fall accident was the only one registered that night in Bergen.
