Admits having misled the parliament – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– All guidelines were fully followed in No. 10. This was the assurance Boris Johnson gave to the British House of Commons when the scandal surrounding the gatherings in the prime minister’s residence was at its worst. – The Covid rules have been followed throughout. But later the police issued a total of 126 fines for breaking the rules. Both the then and current Prime Minister were among them. In his 52-page defense letter to the parliamentary committee which today confronts him with evidence that he deliberately misled Parliament, Johnson admits he misled the House of Commons. – I did not foresee that this would become a big deal, he also admits. Insists on his innocence But he claims he said what he did in good faith. No one around him alerted him to the violation. The former prime minister is ready to fight and has prepared a 52-page written defense ahead of today’s hearing. Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP The claim is disputed by at least one of his former advisers, according to the documentation the committee has published in the morning hours today. Boris Johnson resigned as Prime Minister last September. By then “partygate” had raged for months. The term describes the many gatherings held in Downing Street by people in the government apparatus while the UK was subject to strict Covid rules such as limited social interaction. In the parliamentary committee’s preliminary report, the seven politicians sitting there write that it must have been obvious to Johnson that the gatherings broke the law. But Johnson refuses. He criticizes the committee, which consists of four politicians from his own Conservative Party, two from Labor and one from the Scottish National Party. He believes it is biased against him. Fighting for his political future Four hours have been set aside for the hearing in Parliament today. It is broadcast live on British television. If the committee concludes that Boris Johnson deliberately misled Parliament, then he risks being suspended from the House of Commons. Johnson sits there as a member of parliament from a constituency in London. He risks losing that job. If the suspension is long, it could result in a new election which he potentially loses. If so, Boris Johnson is out of top British politics. On 19 April last year, Boris Johnson apologized for being fined for taking part in “partygate”. Photo: JESSICA TAYLOR / AFP
