Actress Anneke von der Lippe withdraws from Israeli Netflix series – news Culture and entertainment

The actress Anneke Von der Lippe was to play in season 2 of the hit series “Abducted” which ran on Netflix and TV 2. For a long time it was among the most watched series on Netflix. But Von der Lippe fears the series may become pro-Israeli and will therefore not be seen in season 2. – I am withdrawing from the series. That’s because I have no guarantee of what the end result will be. If it’s a pro-Israeli project with content I can’t stand for, then I have to withdraw, and I will, says Von der Lippe to news. The series is about Norwegian Pia (Andrea Berntzen) who is abducted by IS during a trip to the Middle East. Top diplomat and mother Alex (Anneke Von der Lippe) must fight to get her daughter back. The action is a major political power drama that takes place in Norway and the Middle East. Anneke von der Lippe plays the experienced top diplomat Alex, who has her daughter abducted in the series. Photo: TV 2 Palestinians out of season 2 Von der Lippe lived in Israel for several months during the filming four years ago and says that she made many Israeli and Palestinian friends. At the time, the production was a collaboration between Israeli, Palestinian and Norwegian actors. But in season 2, the Palestinian actors are no longer involved, which makes Von der Lippe uneasy: – I have read very little of the script and have no control over the content. Since October 2023, Hamas and Israel have been at war, following terrorist attacks by Hamas. Israel has entered Gaza and many thousands of civilians have been killed. Believes artists have a responsibility She believes artists have a responsibility and influence when they choose what they participate in. – I think you should think about it, take a stand and withdraw from connections if it is right. Pia Berntzen, who plays Von der Lippe’s daughter in season 1, also confirms to news that she has withdrawn from the sequel. In “Abducted”, Norwegian Pia (played by Andrea Berntzen) is kidnapped by IS on her way to Israel. IS wants to have released terrorists in Israel and Oslo in exchange for the lives of the hostages. Photo: TV 2 Von der Lippe points to the debate that has raged around Norway’s participation in Eurovision. – I hope Israel withdraws from Eurovision, but if they don’t, I hope the Nordic countries get together and withdraw, says Von der Lippe. TV 2 chose not to go ahead with season 2 of the series, when the first season was finished, news is informed. Thus, Netflix and an Israeli production company are behind season 2 of the thriller drama. Netflix has not responded to news’s ​​inquiries. – Power in art Deputy head of Creo, the association for art and culture Christine Thomassen believes that what artists do and say can have great influence. Christine Thomassen in Creo. Photo: Creo – There is a reason why we unfortunately see artists still being gagged by regimes around the world that do not want to be criticized. That there is power in art is therefore obvious. – If art did not have the power to influence, authorities who will not be contradicted would not have tried to silence artists, says Thomassen.
