Activists from Stopp oljeletinga have gotten in the way during the morning rush in Trondheim – news Trøndelag

On Monday morning, several people who support the Stop the Oil Exploration campaign got in the way of the Elgeseter bridge at Samfundet in Trondheim. Wearing reflective vests and banners with “Stop the oil exploration”, they blocked the road both in and out of Trondheim city center. And there were long queues both ways. Monday morning, several shareholders got in the way of Elgeseter bridge in Trondheim. Photo: Grete Thobroe / news The police moved out after receiving several tips, and just after 08 o’clock they were in the process of removing the activists from the road. When they did not follow orders to leave, they were brought into custody, the police inform on Twitter. Here, the activists are placed in a police car. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news Will happen again To stop the traffic, the activists will do repeated days for the next two weeks according to themselves. – This will happen on large and small roads in central Trondheim. Individuals do this because we are afraid, and will repeat this until the campaign’s requirements are met. This will affect Norwegian everyday life regularly in the time until the requirements are met, the activist group writes to news. This is what it looked like when activists from the Stop the Oil Exploration campaign got on the road on Monday morning. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news More demands The campaign’s demands are: No more oil and gas exploration: They demand that the Norwegian government declare an immediate halt to all further exploration for oil and gas on the Norwegian shelf They further demand that the government lay down a concrete plan for fair adjustment for today’s oil workers – The participants in the actions are students, grandparents, people of all ages and occupational groups. They are aware of the consequences and costs this may have for them personally, but see this as necessary, the activists write. At 8.21, the police report that the Elgeseter bridge is open for traffic again. The activists were removed from the road and put on the bike path. Photo: Grete Thobroe / news
