Activist from the Debate leaves “Stop Oil Oil Trading” – Latest news – news

25 November 2022 at 14:13 Activist from Debatten leaves “Stopp Oljeletinga” Climate activist Joachim Skahjem (24) leaves the organization Stopp Oljeletinga. TV 2 reports that Skahjem has received a lot of criticism after he did not rule out the use of violence in the climate fight in the news program Debatten on Thursday. – I agree with the decision that I am leaving the organisation, because we have different ideas about methods, says 24-year-old Joachim Skahjem to TV 2. – I want to clarify that I have never advocated violence against people. I never want to harm a human being, and that is precisely why I advocate sabotage of the objects that harm people, he says.
