Action continues on Wednesday – Aasland cancels UK tour – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

LATEST: Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland cancels UK tour due to the Fosen case, NTB reports. On Wednesday, the Fosen activists are back in place in the government quarter in Oslo. Several have spent the night there, inside ministries or out on the streets, for many days. One of them is Anne Margrethe Konglevoll Lahnstein. – It has been a quiet night, it has been cosy, says Lahnstein to news on Wednesday morning. Anne Margrethe Konglevoll Lahnstein has spent the night in the government quarter. Photo: Mette Ballovara / news From Tuesday to Wednesday there were seven people who spent the night outside the main entrance to the Ministry of Oil and Energy (OED). With reindeer skins and thermal suits, they have kept warm. The Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has also participated in the demonstrations in recent days. On Wednesday, she is back in place in the government quarter. On Tuesday, Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap), who must be said to be the campaigners’ persona non grata, came to invite them to talks. He got the smooth coat from Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen. She has acted as the campaigners’ spokesperson for the past week. – We are exhausted, and I can’t stand you sitting and talking the same nonsense about us, which you have been doing for 505 days. It ends now, with just one go, said Isaksen. Going forward, the campaigners will only talk to Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap). Elle Margget Nystad, head of NSR Nuorat, confirms this to news. Støre, on the other hand, is in Svalbard on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Aasland met very upset activists outside the entrance to the Ministry of Oil and Energy. Almost a week of demonstrations Since Thursday last week, campaigners from Nature and Youth and Norwegian Samirs Riksforbund Nuorat (NSR-N) have demonstrated in the government quarter in Oslo. It was then 500 days since the Supreme Court ruled that the wind turbines at Fosen prevent the Reinsam people from practicing their culture. Thus they violate human rights. The situation escalated when the police removed 13 campaigners from inside (OED) on the night of Monday. There had then been a request from the Ministries’ Security and Service Organization (DSS) to do this. CARRIED AWAY: At least nine activists were carried away by the police on Tuesday. On Monday and Tuesday, employees in several ministries had to work from home. The activists blocked entrances to the buildings. The police had to remove several demonstrators by force on both days. Read about the background for the demonstration, why they have the jacket wrong, and what the Supreme Court judgment actually says about the Fosen field here: – Lack of basis On Tuesday, Elden Advokatfirma sent out a press release. They believe that the removal of the Fosen campaigners is based on dubious or missing grounds. – The campaigners have apparently been removed without the police having assessed the necessity and proportionality of the interventions, write lawyers Maria Hessen Jacobsen and Olaf Halvorsen Rønning in Elden Advokatfirma. Elden assists six of the activists who are demonstrating. They have given ongoing advice to campaigners outside the ministries.
