Across the country, teams and organizations are struggling to get hold of volunteers, especially the younger ones – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Isabell Nordstrand (17) from Brumunddal is never involved in volunteer work. The reason for that is simple: – I have never really been asked, she says. For many, joining a charity event was a matter of course in the past. Now it’s not like that anymore. But the need for volunteer work is still strong today. – We think it’s boring and do not feel it is our duty, says Isabell. Lack of volunteers Stian Slotterøy Johnsen is Secretary General of Volunteering Norway. He says that there are a number of organizations that are now reporting to them and says there is a shortage of young volunteers. – We have seen a steady decline in recent years. And our surveys show that there is a lower proportion who do voluntary work among the youngest age group. DECLINE: Secretary General of Volunteering Norway, Stian Slotterøy Johnsen. He says that there has been a steady decline in recent years in people who work voluntarily. Photo: Volunteering Norway There is the lowest participation among the age group under 30, but the proportion decreases in all age groups. Johnsen does not think Isabell is alone in not having been asked to participate in volunteer work. He is sure that there are many committed young people who want to work voluntarily. – The commitment is great. I think the spirit of hard work is there, but it must be awakened, he says. Especially during the pandemic, the decline in volunteer work has been dramatic. – Habits may have fallen away and then you have to train it again. I have a hope that volunteering will return to the level we were before. But: – It will take time, says Johnsen. An uncertain festival summer One of those who feels most strongly about the shortage is Sunniva Brennmoen Strypet. She is festival director for LiveStock in Nord-Østerdalen which is held 8-10. July. – We have struggled a lot, she says. CHALLENGING: Festival director in LiveStock, Sunniva Brennmoen Strypet. She says it has been very difficult to get volunteers to work hard before this year’s festival. Photo: Geir Olav Slåen / news At the last minute, they received more volunteers, but a few days ago they considered canceling the entire festival. Volunteers are needed to get the festivals going. – It has been slow before but it has been especially challenging to get people to sign up this year. LiveStock saw itself forced to post a crisis message on social media to ask people to volunteer, just a few days before the festival starts. They also went out in the media. The festival director says that almost everyone in the industry says it is difficult to get people. Kim Henry Nordby Nordahl (15) is one of the volunteers at the festival. He has participated in several workdays in the past. Isabell thinks it is sad that festivals may have to be canceled due to lack of volunteers. She herself thinks there is a solution to get young people involved: – It often helps if we get something in return for it. If there is only one ice cream, then there are many who join because of that ice cream, she says and laughs. – Can have enormous consequences Johnsen in Frivillighet Norge thinks it is good that festivals like LiveStock actively go out and ask for volunteers. He says this gives the opportunity for more people to participate in volunteer work. – It is probably easiest for those who have events with regular people who volunteer every year. But that means there will be less diversity. One of those events is KongsbergJazz. In recent years, the festival has not had any problems with the charity work. PERMANENT WORK: Ragnhild Menes is festival director at Kongsberg Jazz Festival. They have a solid core that participates in volunteer work every year. She is concerned about the consequences of low volunteer work. Photo: Gunnar Brekke / Kongsberg Jazz Festival The reason for this is that they have many regulars who help every year. – The fact that we have volunteers who work means everything, says festival director Ragnhild Menes. Therefore, she believes and it will have enormous consequences if the trend of low labor force participation continues. – Volunteering contributes so much more than the actual workforce. It creates the whole environment and commitment to the festival, she says. Menes is sure that volunteer work gives something more than just work. – It is a fantastic opportunity to both make new friends and new experiences that will be good on the CV. Isabell herself would have liked to have joined the charity event, but then she hopes people and organizations will be better at asking: – Be present where there are young people, and ask them. And maybe tell schools about the charity event, so students can join. Be engaged around the youth! she concludes. Hi, do you have any thoughts on this matter, or maybe some tips for something else I can make? Please contact!
