Accused wrong person for aggravated robbery in Trondheim – news Trøndelag

The trial took place in Trøndelag District Court last week. The extensive indictment also concerns stabbing another person, murder threats against other store employees and against employees in substance abuse care in Trondheim municipality. In the shops he took beer with him, without paying. – My life is worth more than 12 pils On February 10, the accused and a person at a store in Trondheim. One of the two who worked in the store saw on surveillance camera that twelve cans of beer disappeared into the backpack. The store employee confronted the men with the theft inside the store. – It was a bit “pushing” before the customers managed to get past me and ran out. “Anders” told news. He wants to remain anonymous, but is aware of what happened: He caught the two outside the store and asked to see the backpack. Instead, one man took out a knife and said something like: “You will die” or “I will kill you” USED SEVERAL TIMES: The knife was used during the stabbing and probably also when Anders was snowshoeing outside the shop a little over a week earlier. Photo: the police The knife man’s friend was standing next to him. He neither said nor did anything, as Anders thinks. The threat with a knife made Anders retire: – My life is worth more than 12 beers, he says to news. When the police arrived shortly after, he said that it was the customer with the backpack who had the snowshoe with a knife. Rejects inadequate investigation Anders was never summoned to any more police interrogation. Then he learned that one of the men had been charged with aggravated robbery with particularly dangerous travel equipment. When the trial started on 31 May, the prosecutor stated that the aggravated robbery would no longer be part of the indictment. The basic premise was a lack of evidence that it was the defendants like the knife-wielding Anders. The accused and the comrade were too dark-clad, had a hood on their heads and the same body shape. Thus, it was difficult to separate them, according to the prosecutor. Witness Anders tells news that the two were not so similar. The prosecutor denies that the investigation of the aggravated robbery is deficient. – But there are some misconceptions along the way, says police attorney Alf Rune Nilsen. DIFFICULT TO PROVE: Prosecutor Alf Rune Nilsen rejects inadequate investigation. Photo: Kari Sørbø / news The public prosecutor: – My responsibility It was public prosecutor Jarle Wikdahl who took out the indictment. Wikdahl points out that the man with the backpack was arrested and charged with robbery together with the accused. But the latter should instead be charged with having participated in the knife robbery, since the prosecution believes it was the “backpacker” who showed the knife. – It should appear from the basis of the indictment that he (the defendant) did this together with NN (the “backpack man”) and that it was NN (the “backpack man”) who showed the knife. It is my responsibility and my fault when drafting the indictment, writes Wikdahl in an e-mail to news. The “backpack man” was the third to be present when the accused stabbed another. It happened just over a week after the episode at the store. The offended party does not want the accused to be punished. An argument about a missing mobile phone and sharing of amphetamine, even though a man in his 30s was stabbed in the apartment of the accused on 19 February. The injured person was bleeding from the chest where the knife had hit just above the heart. At the hospital he had to sew five stitches. Defendant nectar criminal guilt for grievous bodily harm. He just wanted to scare by waving the knife to get offended, he explained. AT ÅSTADEN: Forensic technician at the entrance to the apartment where the stabbing took place. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news In court, the aggrieved party changed his statement and said that the accused did not mean to stab him. The judge drew attention to the fact that it is a criminal offense to explain oneself falsely. Excerpts from the police interview in February were played in court. “Was it your opinion that he (the defendant) wanted to see you, that that was the point?” , asks the policewoman who interrogates him. “Yes absolutely. Absolutely, »the offended person answers and refers to the way the accused held the knife. The target “backpacker” also did not perceive that the stabbing was intentional. He largely supported the explanation of the insult. “I will cut off your head. When it comes to threats against other store employees and employees in Trondheim municipality, the accused pleaded guilty to these.” It applies to two episodes against the same shop assistant, where the defendant sniffed with a razor blade or a pair of scissors when he was discovered with stolen beer. In the premises of the Salvation Army’s substance abuse care, he said to a municipal employee: “I will cut off your head”, and showed by moving how he should cut across his throat, according to the indictment. Since the point about the aggravated robbery was waived by the prosecutor, the court shall acquit him of this. That means about a year lower prison sentence. The prosecutor dropped the claim for one year and eight months in prison for the rest of the indictment. RIGHT DECISION: Defender Jasmin Gheshlaghi believes it was the right of the prosecutor to withdraw the indictment that involved a aggravated robbery. Photo: Kari Sørbø / news Defender Jasmin Gheshlaghi pointed out that the accused is illiterate, traumatized by experiences in a war-torn homeland, and that he has a substance abuse problem. She thought he should be acquitted of the stabbing because it is not well enough proven that he stabbed on purpose. The court convinced that the stabbing was not an accident On Tuesday, the accused was sentenced to one year and three months in prison. Regarding the stabbing and the question of whether it was an accident or cowardice, it is stated in the judgment: “The court is convinced that the victim was not stabbed either by accident or that this arose as part of an emergency action by the defendant.” It is aggravating that the stabbing was done with great force against a particularly critical part of the body, close to the heart, the court believes. When the “backpacker” will be charged with the aggravated robbery with a knife against Anders, is uncertain. The man in his 20s has several conditions that the police are investigating. Some cases have been dropped because there is doubt as to whether he is criminally sane. The suspect is currently in a psychiatric hospital and was taken to court by the police to testify.
