Accused of raping a man – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary The police believe that a man in his 20s was held against his will and exposed to violence. Four men are charged with deprivation of liberty and violence, one of them is also charged with rape. One of the accused is still at large, while another has been produced for remand. The police found out about the case when the victim made contact a few days after the incident. All the accused deny criminal guilt. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. A man in his 20s has the status of offended in what the police describe as a serious case. Supposed to have happened indoors He is said to have been taken indoors where, according to the police, he was held against his will. Deputy police officer Josefine Thoreid in the South-East police district has charged four people with deprivation of liberty and violence. One of them is also charged with rape. Photo: Tom Erik Haugland / news – All four are charged with deprivation of liberty and violence, or complicity in this, says deputy police officer Josefine Thoreid to news. One of the accused is still at large, while another was produced for remand on Wednesday. The man who appeared in court today is in his 40s. Charged with rape In addition to deprivation of liberty and violence, he is charged with having raped the victim. – Rape is a very broad term, then. But it is a matter of a sexual act without consent, says the police deputy who has issued the charge of rape. The public prosecutor’s office is asking for detention for four weeks and believes there is both a risk of repetition and a risk of the accused destroying evidence. In court, however, he was remanded in custody for two weeks. He has also been banned from writing and visiting, and must sit in solitary confinement for the entire period of imprisonment. The police did not find out about the case until Monday when the victim made contact. Both he and one of the accused live in the area where the rape, deprivation of liberty and violence took place. Denies criminal responsibility One of the accused will probably be released on Wednesday afternoon or evening, while it is unclear what will happen to the last two. Both one of the accused and the victim are connected to the area where the incident occurred. Lawyer Tore Bergøy ​​Pedersen assists the man who was presented for remand. He denies criminal guilt. Photo: Nadir Alam / news Lawyer Øyvind Bergøy ​​Pedersen is defending the man who was presented for remand. He says he is limited in what he can say now. – My client answered questions and gave a thorough account of his version of the case in a custody meeting that lasted two hours. He denies criminal guilt, says Pedersen to news. According to the police deputy, all the accused deny criminal guilt. Published 03.07.2024, at 17.39 Updated 03.07.2024, at 18.10
