Accused of destroying a cultural monument from the Stone Age

It must have been hard on the campsite from the Stone Age when the excavator driver started with the bucket last summer. The man in the excavator had the main responsibility for digging a ditch at the protected cultural monument in Kristiansund, but had to wait for an archaeologist who would give the final clear signal. He did not, according to the indictment. Now he is guilty of violating the Cultural Heritage Act and can be punished with a fine or imprisonment. A petroglyph from the Neolithic. Photo: Vibeke Paulsen Cerón 6000 to 8000 years old The area in Kristiansund that is now to be destroyed was important to say something about our past. Here people have bid in endless times, and the findings showed that there was great activity in the Stone Age. County conservator Bjørn Ringstad thinks the area that is to be destroyed was between 6000 and 8000 years old. – The way we perceive it, it is a violation of the Cultural Heritage Act. That is why the county municipality has reported it to the police, he says. Ringstad says that every living space is like a piece in a puzzle and the more one has, the better knowledge we get about cultural history. There are hundreds of such campsites scattered in Møre og Romsdal, but from different time periods. Destroyed cultural monument in Kristiansund The protected area lies between two boulders, and is close to another cultural monument area. Both lie on what is former arable land. It should be difficult to separate the area, both of which should be relatively large. According to the National Heritage Board, cultural layers have been found here. A cultural layer is a layer in the earth that testifies to human activity. It usually consists of soil and meal remains, animal bones and shells. Source: Cultural heritage search and SNL – Irreplaceable values ​​have been lost Prosecutor in the case, Ove Brudevoll, says what should have happened at the cultural heritage in Kristiansund is serious. Prosecutor Ove Brudevoll believes that not enough care has been taken in the work that led to the damage to the cultural monument, and that there is therefore a basis for punishment in the case. Photo: Roar Halten – When financial good is violated, it is always possible to recover. Whether it is damage or theft, one can always replace the item. But here it is irreplaceable values ​​that have been lost. That makes it serious. Defender Åge Gustad tells news that the accused does not admit guilt. He will not comment on the case further until it goes to the district court towards the end of September. It must have been an acute problem with fluffy water made them have to dig. Photo: MARIUS ANDRÉ JENSSEN STENBERG / news Solved acute problem Assistant urban engineer in Kristiansund municipality, Vidar Dyrnes, says it was an acute problem with flooding water that made them have to dig in the area, to rent away the water. – We had an agreement with the cultural conservation authorities on how the work should be done. By accident, an area with cultural heritage was touched before an archaeologist was in place, as the agreement was. He says they immediately notified the authorities, and that they have done what they can to correct the mistake. Among other things, an archaeological excavation has been carried out. – This is a sad case for all parties. The positive thing in the case is that there is no question of personal injuries, says Dyrnes. The city engineer in Kristiansund municipality says it was an accident that the area was touched before the archaeologist was present. Photo: MARIUS ANDRÉ JENSSEN STENBERG / news
