Accused of aggravated rape of a 5-year-old – allegedly shared the abuse on Snapchat – news Vestland

The assault is said to have taken place last autumn in a European capital. In January, the man must answer for this, and a number of other abuses against children, in Hordaland district court. The assault against the five-year-old son of an acquaintance must have been documented and spread to several people via Snapchat. The serious indictment is signed by state prosecutor Asbjørn Onarheim at the Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane state prosecutor’s office. The man is accused of aggravated rape of the boy. – These are very serious matters in light of the offender’s young age. The fact that the photo was also shared on social media makes it extra offensive and punishable, says state attorney Asbjørn Onarheim. Nektar culpability The man is also charged with a series of assaults against a woman who is now in her 30s. The oldest victims are 19 years old. The woman’s assistant lawyer, Ann Christin Sjøtun, is also on holiday and unavailable for comment. Finally, the man is accused of having made himself known to, and received, sexualized images and films of children. Over a period of half a year, he is said to have sent sexualised messages to a person unknown to the police who claimed to be 15 years old. Defense attorney Stein Erik Ottesen says his client has denied criminal liability throughout the investigation. – The indictment is fresh, and we will decide on it in the future, he says. It was Bergens Tidende that first mentioned the two-week-old indictment. The case carries a penalty of 21 years in prison. In 2010, the man was convicted of assaulting children under the age of 14. The ten-month prison sentence was completed the following year. – The verdict will have an impact on a possible punishment in such a way that the penalty framework increases greatly. He risks a more severe punishment, says Onarheim. Hordaland district court has set aside four days for the case. Published 25/07/2024, at 14.13
