Abida Raja’s ex-husband arrested – Latest news – news

30 January 2024 at 21:15 Abida Raja’s ex-husband arrested – I have been informed that he has been arrested in Great Britain today, says State Attorney Alvar Randa at the Oslo State Prosecutor’s Office to VG. news has also had this confirmed: – It is not surprising, it is in the UK that we have been looking for him, says the public prosecutor, who does not know the circumstances surrounding the arrest. The ex-husband was due to meet Abida Raja in the Oslo District Court on 21 November, where he is charged with violence, sexual assault and threats against his ex-wife and their common child. He did not appear and was therefore internationally wanted. The ex-husband denies criminal guilt for an indictment he describes as extensive and serious, says his defender Javeed Hussain Shah to VG.
