A week in custody after assaulting a teenager with an ax – news Vestland

A man in his 30s has now been remanded in custody for a week after the incident in Hjellestad in Bergen. It was at 11pm on Friday evening that a group of teenagers went on a rampage of the “ring the door and run” type at his home. This means that you ring the doorbell and run off before someone has time to open the door. As a consequence of this, the serious violent incident occurred. – The man allegedly attacked the one youth with an axe, says police attorney Ingeborg Drægebø. Armed police arrested the man later that evening. On Sunday, he was produced for remand, charged with grievous bodily harm. Police attorney Ingeborg Drægebø. Photo: Ragnhild Myklemyr The police asked for four weeks in custody. – It could have been much worse. The condition of the 15-year-old boy is stable and, according to the circumstances, good. – He has explained himself to the police and is being treated in hospital, says Drægebø. She cannot go into detail about the extent of the damage. – According to the relationship, it has gone well, it could have gone much worse. Between five and eight teenage boys are said to have been there on Friday evening. They witnessed the incident. Some of them from a long distance, some up close. – It is clear that it has been frightening for everyone involved. The incident happened at Hjellestad in Bergen. The previously unpunished teenagers and the accused man in his 30s live in the same area, but do not know each other from before. – As far as the police know, none of them know each other beyond the fact that they live in the same area, says Drægebø. She states that the man has a previous conviction. The police attorney states that the police are continuing to work on the case. They question witnesses, carry out crime scene investigations and other investigative steps to find out what happened and why it happened. Fredrik Verling is defending the accused man. Photo: Synne Sørenes
