A union representative in the Armed Forces believes that increased preparedness will make the initial service more meaningful – news Troms and Finnmark

– Increased preparedness sets a completely different backdrop for why we practice and do what we do. That’s what Viktor Fladmoe, chief shop steward in the Army, tells news. He says that many conscripts were a little worried when the news that the Armed Forces were raising the alert first came. – It was probably a bit of a shock for several people. But it will pass and we will go back to doing what we do every day as usual. At the same time, Fladmoe believes that increased preparedness as a result of the tense situation in Europe will have an aggravating effect on many. – I think many people now feel that what we do is more meaningful, and feel more motivated to contribute, he says. – Now it’s serious. Photo: Ole-Sverre Haugli/Forsvaret / Ole-Sverre Haugli/Forsvaret The army’s chief shop steward says that he has received messages from former conscripts. They wonder if they have to find the uniform again. – There are probably many of those who are no longer in the Armed Forces who are more worried than those who are here now, he says. According to Fladmoe, there is currently no reason to lose sleep at night. – You just have to keep calm. You don’t need to be afraid that you are going to rejoin the Armed Forces any time soon, he says. – If we get there, you will get a clear message. Talked about at lunch Chief of Brigade North, Brigadier Pål Berglund, also believes that many people feel that the service feels meaningful against the current backdrop. – It is a feedback I get well from both conscripts and officers. They see the importance of what we do and motivation is high, he says. But even if the situation in Europe is uncertain, Berglund points out that there is no direct threat to Norway as of now. – But we have to be prepared for that, when the situation is as uncertain as it is now, says Berglund. The war in Ukraine and the increased preparedness in Norway is something that is talked about around the lunch table and in the barracks in the evening. – It has become a topic we talk about more than popular TV series, says Berglund. Brigader and commander of Brigade North, Pål Eirik Berglund, says that the increased preparedness is something that is talked about a lot in the army. Photo: Øivind Baardsen Well-crafted planning The brigade commander says that the message to increase preparedness did not come unexpectedly. – We have been working for quite a long time to raise the level of preparedness. Ever since the war started in Ukraine, we have had this close to us, he says. He says that the Norwegian Armed Forces have instructors in England who train Ukrainian soldiers. In addition, they have helped to retrain the Ukrainian artillery crew. – Here at home, throughout the period we have worked to further develop the army and Brigade North to meet the challenges that the uncertainty in the world right now presents, says Berglund. The brigade commander does not want to say specifically what measures they are taking, but says that the work to raise preparedness is well under way. – Our planning system to meet this situation is well worked out, he says.
