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Supporters who attend matches during the football World Cup in Qatar can also watch the match via the Fifa+ app. Through the camera on your own mobile phone, you can follow the matches, and click on the players while they are in action. Then you get to know everything from position to club history, and you can see how fast and how the players run. – The future of watching football is here, writes ESPN and shares a video of a supporter using the app. – No, say former national team captain Brede Hangeland and news expert Åge Hareide. ANALYZER: Here is an example of the functions in the app. news’s ​​reporter has marked Morocco player Selim Amallah. Photo: Malin Jørnholt / news – There’s something wrong In the app, you will also be offered replays from the VAR room from different camera angles. The offer only applies to supporters who show up at the stadium to watch the matches live, according to Fifa. Hareide believes that the VAR function can help to create additional discussion among supporters at the stadium, and fears that the app itself can affect supporter culture. REACTS: news’s ​​football expert and former coach Åge Hareide. Photo: Helene Mariussen / news – I think it’s a bit silly, that is. A supporter will follow the progress of the match and part of the supporter culture is to be together with others. – You feel it then, and have a connection with someone in the stands. Then it will be bad if everyone is looking down at their mobile phone. You lose a bit of that sense of belonging, then. I’m a little skeptical about that, says Hareide. Would you use your mobile in this way at the stadium? Yes, this is perfect for me! No, this is not for me. Do not know. Show result Former national team captain and now part of the coaching team at the Norwegian men’s national team, Brede Hangeland, thinks it could be “festive” to test out the functions, but: – If I am lucky enough to be present live at a big football match, it is high time for me. Then I want to take with me as much as possible of the wonderful game, the skills of the players, the atmosphere and everything possible. If I’m looking for statistics, I can get this afterwards, says Hangeland. – Threat to the mood news expert and former national team manager Nils Johan Semb tested the app during the round of 16 final between Morocco and Spain. THUMBS DOWN: Nils Johan Semb was not impressed by this user experience. Photo: Malin Jørnholt / news Semb is not impressed by the user-friendliness, and he concludes that it does not provide anything extra. At the same time, the expert is convinced that this is only the beginning. – There is an extreme technological development in football, so I imagine that there will be more and more of this. I don’t want to ignore the fact that I can use a similar tool in the future. But right here and now it was disturbing to use it, and then I’d rather use other apps that give me the information I need, says Semb. news colleague Hareide is also aware that the development of the technology will force itself forward anyway. He also understands the need for “nerdy” football supporters. – But sometimes you might get a little too much into yourself. Instead of communicating with other people, you are staring down at a mobile phone all the time. I don’t think it is a plus for football that we have come this far, he says. DO NOT EXCESS: Former national team captain and Fulham player Brede Hangeland. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB Hangeland fears for the atmosphere in the stadium among supporters if the app becomes more widespread. – This is a threat to the atmosphere in the stadium, there is no doubt about that. After all, the atmosphere is best when everyone is present for what is happening in the game. – The more people who are distracted by their phones, the lower the atmosphere will be. True football supporters will be a little skeptical about this. In any case, I will not be persuaded by this, says Hangeland. – New way to enjoy the World Cup It is through AR (augmented reality) technology that you can watch a football match through the camera on your own mobile phone. The app Pokémon Go used the same technology in 2016, and became hugely popular. Within a month, 100 million people had downloaded the app. news has been in contact with Fifa about this matter, and they refer to the press release that was sent out before the championship. – Fifa+ is ready to really change the game by giving supporters a new way to enjoy world championships in the years to come, wrote Fifa when the new features were launched. The reactions in social media are very divided. Some describe the news as “fantastic” and “unbelievable”, while others do not understand the point of going to the stadium to look at a mobile phone. – It looks absolutely terrible, writes the renowned journalist Sid Lowe to his over 500,000 followers.
