– A terrible situation – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Five people were found unconscious in two caravans in Rendalen on the night of Tuesday. Four of them were sent to Ullevål hospital in a critical condition, while one was sent to the hospital at Tynset. On Tuesday afternoon, none of the people involved were critically injured. The police believe that nothing criminal has happened, but investigations are still underway. According to the roommate of one of the people involved, they must have started a power generator inside the awning. The persons were employees of Norske moseprodukt, and the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority has been notified of the incident. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Earlier in the evening, the five people in the caravan had eaten and enjoyed themselves in the awning. But then the mood turned. It had stopped and the laughter was gone. – She was completely on edge. I understood nothing of what happened, says Tøndel. According to Tøndel, they must have started a power generator inside the awning. Photo: Aleksandr Nedbaev / news Naudetatane moved out to the caravans in Rendalen. There they found five unconscious, adult people. Four of them were described as critically injured and sent to Ullevål hospital. The last one, Tøndel’s roommate, was sent to the hospital at Tynset. The police received a report about the incident at 01.12 on Tuesday night. Photo: Aleksandr Nedbaev / news On the road to recovery On Tuesday afternoon, none of the people involved should be critically injured anymore. – The condition of the four people admitted to Oslo University Hospital is still to be described as serious, but no longer critical, writes Katharina Lende at the hospital in an SMS to VG. – The patients are improving, but it is difficult to say whether the incident will have health consequences for them in the long term, she writes further. The police suspect that the persons were poisoned from coal gas or other gas. The crime technicians arrived at the city at twelve o’clock on Tuesday. The police are keeping all possibilities open, even if they do not believe anything criminal has happened. Photo: Aleksandr Nedbaev / news – As serious as this was, I would say that this is the best result we could hope for, says Tøndel. His roommate was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday, while the others will probably be discharged on Wednesday or Thursday, according to him. – How is your roommate? – She is very happy. We all are. It is clear that she is tired and fatigued, but when she is able to recover, she will probably be as good as new. No suspicion of anything criminal The forensic technicians arrived at the site at twelve o’clock on Tuesday. The police believe that nothing criminal should have happened. – Based on information from the city, we currently do not suspect that anything criminal has happened. But we are still early in the investigations and are keeping all possibilities open until we have a closer look at it, police attorney Anders Møllersen. According to Tøndel, they must have started a power generator inside the awning. Kullos is both odorless and tasteless and can cause internal suffocation in the body. You can read more below: Facts about carbon monoxide poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning: Poisoning with the gas carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a very toxic gas. It has no taste, color or smell, which makes it difficult to detect. Carbon monoxide can form in fires, propane-powered appliances, exhaust (from aggregates, cars, chainsaws etc.) and grills. Carbon monoxide is toxic because CO takes the place of oxygen in the red blood cells and in many other systems in the body. Carbon monoxide can cause everything from mild symptoms that go away on their own, to serious and fatal symptoms that require intensive treatment in hospital. Mild symptoms can be headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. More serious symptoms include confusion, irritability, reduced consciousness, fainting, palpitations, chest pain (angina), changes in breathing, reduced blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances. Delayed damage exists. The severity of poisoning varies widely. Factors that come into play are the concentration of carbon monoxide and oxygen in the air, and how long one has been exposed to the gas. Source: Giftinfo.no ​​Daily manager Ola Sverre Moen at Norske moseprodukt confirms to news that the persons were employed by the company, but does not wish to comment on the matter at this time. The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority has been notified of the incident. Section leader Kirsti Been-Tofte says that they have a dialogue with the police and are waiting for further follow-up. The crime technicians arrived at the city at twelve o’clock on Tuesday Photo: Aleksandr Nedbaev / news Published 11.06.2024, at 15.46 Updated 11.06.2024, at 16.22
