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– There is a lot that is not clear, but I know I will not join the national team. It is definite and clear, and it is also natural, says Iversen to news. He believes he does not deserve a place in the national team after the WC in Planica, and understands the decision of the national team. – It is a small relief. Being with that group in training … Even though matching is very good, it can be a bit too much of a good thing, admits Iversen. He is now betting on a new scheme, although things are not completely clear yet. – There is much that has not been determined. There will probably be some news, but I have to find out what is the best chance that I can fight back with a crash in Granåsen in two years, says Iversen. WC GOLD: Iversen won gold in the 5000m at the WC in Oberstdorf in 2021. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB He further says that he has nothing special to do at the national team meetings. – I need it physically and mentally. I need a race that is more tailored to Emil and the mud I’m standing in now. I need time and peace, and I look forward to that very much. I had a few good years in the national team, and they should take a lot of the credit for the fact that I have become so good. Now it feels right not to be there. Wants to return In other words, he is betting further, and hopes to be active until the World Cup in Trondheim in 2025. – I want to return to the top of the world and maybe try to knock out someone from the national team to take World Cup places. That’s what’s in my head now, he says. The 31-year-old says he got the message a couple of weeks after the WC when he spoke to national team coach Eirik Myhr Nossum. – It didn’t come like a bomb. It is surprising to both of us that I have gotten into that position and am not skiing fast enough. It has been difficult and frustrating, but the fact that I am no longer in the national team is not so frustrating – it just has to be. It feels good in a way, says the cross-country skier. – What will the future look like? – There are a number of things that are not completely clear. The first priority is to get the body back in balance and get fully healthy. I don’t start from “scratch”, I start far, far inside “scratch”. It’s just a matter of getting started with training, and I have a family that is ready to assist. I have loyal sponsors who I have had for many years, and who I hope will continue to be with me. HARD SEASON: Emil Iversen has not delivered as expected since the WC gold in Oberstdorf. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – Has outlined some solutions He is not significantly stressed about the future, but he has not decided whether the investment will be alone or whether it will be for another team. But the work is underway. – I have outlined some solutions and I have started to look at how to train. I will use the time, so we are sure that the choices will be right and the best for me. Iversen has had a long career in the national team, and stands with an Olympic silver and four World Cup golds. His one individual medal was under five thousand in Oberstdorf in 2021. It was of the controversial kind, when Johannes Høsflot Klæbo crossed the finish line first, but was later disqualified. Trønder took his first World Cup victory back in 2016, and has a total of eight World Cup victories. He has so far 24 podiums. news has been in contact with national team manager Espen Bjervig. He cannot comment on anything in particular in connection with the news. – Now we have been sitting for two days and we are still working on team selection. I cannot confirm or deny anything. He (Iversen) has stated this on a basis that has not come from the Norwegian Skiing Association. Beyond that, I cannot comment on anything now, says Bjervig. Bjørn: – Natural outlet news’s ​​cross-country expert Torgeir Bjørn is not surprised by the decision. – Of course he is, says the expert. – It’s a natural outlet, that. Emil has struggled since the WC gold in Oberstdorf in 2021, and he has had two weak seasons. With the competition in Norwegian men’s cross-country skiing now, it is natural that he loses his place, he continues. NOT SURPRISED: Torgeir Bjørn believes it is right that Iversen does not continue in the national team. Photo: news In other words, he believes that it is the right choice to leave Iversen out, and now he believes that others should be allowed to try. – I believe that Iver Tildheim Andersen should move up to the elite team now, says Bjørn. – Why? – Because he has, among other things, won the World Cup race this winter. He won in freestyle at Lillehammer in December and did well many times after that. It will be the right signal that it will be rewarded with a place in the elite team. Canceled himself Recently, the Norwegian has struggled more to find good cross-country form, and in March he canceled himself from the national team in an interview with news. The season started well with a second place at Beitostølen, where he announced “Hello, I’m back” in front of news’s ​​camera. – We are different and it is important to find your own thing, and I am probably not the most typical cross-country skier who stands and skis, so it is important to take care of the person. I feel maybe it’s hard to be on that distance team when you’re not such an insane machine, Iversen said of the national team at the time.
