A six-wheeler with three people overturned in Oslo – one seriously injured – Greater Oslo

A six-wheeler has overturned and rolled down an slalom hill in Oslo, the police say. There were three people on board when it overturned. – The current status is that the driver is seriously injured and the two passengers are slightly injured. Ambulance works with the patients, says operations manager Roy Langengen at 16.38. The driver has been taken to hospital. The two passengers on the overturned six-wheeler are taken to the emergency department by ambulance for further checks. The accident must have happened 300 meters up a slalom hill. According to a witness news, the person he was talking to spun it around several times, while it fell down the hill. – As of now, we do not know the cause of the accident. We have seized the vehicle and will investigate it, says Langengen. There was an event at the site and the driver of the six-wheeler was working on dismantling it when the accident took place.
