A sensor in the residual waste can will provide cheaper waste disposal fees – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The renovation in Karmøy municipality is busy. During the autumn, all households will receive new boss bins. The 65,000 boss bins must also be connected to the address. – We can admit that we have been among the worst in terms of renovation in Norway, but now we are becoming one of the best, says Torbjørn Heggheim, who heads the renovation. Until now, there have only been two containers, one for paper and one for residual waste. There has been a collection arrangement for glass and metal. But with the new cans, there will be source sorting of food, paper, glass and metal and plastic. Rune Holmedal. Photo: Thomas Halleland / news – It will be good. We have been calling for a long time that we have to get better waste sorting, so now I am going in and reading how this is to be done, says Rune Holmedal after he has had four new cans and plastic waste bags delivered to his home. Everyone must sort next year Karmøy municipality, like all the municipalities in the country, will have to arrange for waste sorting. From 1 January 2023, food and rubbish waste must be sorted out across the country. The reason is stricter requirements from the EU on how we sort our rubbish. – We are well on track because we started the planning long before the legal requirement came, so we will get this done from 1 January. I think there are other municipalities that struggle more, says Heggheim. Business manager for waste disposal in Karmøy municipality, Torbjørn Heggheim. Photo: private The goal is for everyone to sort more, and produce less residual waste. In Karmøy, they will now reward those who empty the residual waste bin less often than every 14 days. – If you have little residual waste, you can skip emptying. Then you save NOK 70 for each emptying you skip. You pay for what you produce from residual waste. All cans are equipped with a sensor that registers when the can is emptied on the waste collection truck. In this way, the renovation in the municipality has an overview of which cans are emptied. Each household gets four bins, and the bins are marked before they are taken out. Photo: Thomas Halleland / news – We will not start with differentiated tax until a year from now. We must be sure that the system of registering the cans at the address works before we split the tax fee, says Heggheim. Today, a standard home pays NOK 3,235 for renovation fees. The amount will be approximately the same in 2023. But when there is a differentiated fee, the household pays fifty percent of the fee, and then they pay for each emptying of the residual waste. – We are among the first in the country to do it this way. For those who have little residual waste, they will receive a lower fee than they have today. Too little goes to recycling From 2023, the authorities recommend differentiated fees to get us to sort at source. Today, only 43 percent of household waste is recycled. In the EU, the requirement is that by 2035 65 per cent of all rubbish must be recycled. – We are now getting a completely new arrangement with us, and it requires a mental shift on the part of some, but I think we will get the residents involved in full waste sorting, says Heggheim. Rune Holmedal is at least ready for source sorting. – Now it will be full speed in the kitchen cabinets.
