A professor of security policy believes that the Minister of Justice sends a clear signal to China – news Troms and Finnmark

– It is very disturbing. I think there are many of us who have been sleepless wondering whether we should react to this from the Norwegian side. When it is so clear to all European countries what the Chinese are after. So says Kåre Dahl Martinsen, professor of Norwegian security policy at the Norwegian Defense Academy. In the past year, at least six Chinese companies have signaled that they want to establish themselves in Kirkenes. Most recently the state-owned Chinese shipping giant Cosco. A company that the Norwegian security authorities have warned against. The government has so far been difficult to talk about the matter and has received criticism for being unclear in its China policy. On Wednesday, the government led by Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Dahl (Sp) finally came to the fore. Minister of Justice and Emergency Preparedness Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) has taken a clearer line against Chinese companies, the professor believes. Photo: Jonas Oden Ulset / news In the press release, Mehl says that the government will not open up Chinese establishments in Kirkenes, unless clear frameworks can be set that safeguard national security. This must be done in dialogue with the security authorities. – They have been cowards Dahl Martinsen believes these are completely new tones from a government which has so far received criticism for “speaking with two tongues” in the matter. – There is quite a lot of weight behind what Mehl is signaling here. It probably means that the Chinese will have to take note of it, and perhaps be somewhat more careful in the negotiation meetings or the plans here, says Dahl Martinsen. – This is a clear warning. The reason for the Chinese interest in Kirkenes is said to be the northern sea route. This route passes through Russia and is much shorter than the current freight route via the Suez Canal. However, Dahl Martinsen is doubtful that it is financial interests that weigh heavily on the Chinese. – Immediately, I cannot see what they expect to gain financially from being in Kirkenes. But there is no doubt that they have a lot to gain politically from it, he says. – Has the government been naive when it comes to Chinese interests in the north as you see it? – They have not been naive. They have been cowards, says Dahl Martinsen. Emilie Enger Mehl has not had the opportunity to comment on the matter to news on Thursday. Russia + China That the Chinese can gain access to the harbor in Kirkenes, Kåre Dahl Martinsen believes, is very questionable. He reminds that all forms of communication facilities are critical infrastructure. – That is why it is so unfortunate if the Chinese get a stronger role in Kirkenes. It is completely unacceptable if they do. You have to think about the fact that China is Russia’s closest ally, says Dahl Martinsen. Jonas Gahr Støre to China In four days, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) will travel to China, to, among other things, meet Norwegian and Chinese businesses. Martinsen believes that the Norwegian government has been more concerned with not stepping on the Chinese’s toes than with worrying about the Chinese getting a foothold in Norway. This for fear of ruining export agreements with China. – This fear is significantly exaggerated, says Dahl Martinsen. Dahl Martinsen believes the Chinese will fully understand that Norway needs to protect its own security interests, while at the same time cooperating with China in other areas. – Why does Mehl come up with the plan now? – I think she will bring it up now because there is pressure that not least you in news and the media have raised. Norwegian China policy is constantly lagging behind, he says. Calling for clarity Mayor of Sør-Varanger, Magnus Mæland (H), tells news that his municipality must now try to find out what is actually legal and what is not. – We have not received a clear answer. But perhaps the prime minister will return from China with new answers, he adds. Mayor of Sør-Varanger municipality, Magnus Mæland (H) says he is not surprised by the Minister of Justice’s actions. At the same time, he calls for clarity. Photo: Knut-Sverre Horn Even the port manager does not fully understand what the Minister of Justice is now saying means for the port. – It was clarifying, but some information is missing, says port manager Terje Jørgensen. He says, however, that the statement is a confirmation that the work Kirkenes Havn has done so far, to transport goods through the northern sea route, can continue. And then points to non-Chinese private investors as possible partners. Thinks the government must decide Security expert Kåre Dahl Martinsen doesn’t think it will be easy anyway for the Chinese shipping company Cosco to establish itself in Kirkenes after the government’s new plans. And in any case, it is not something they and Sør-Varanger municipality can decide, according to Dahl Martinsen. – It should be the government in Oslo who decides, because this is not a local political matter. This is a matter of great national importance for Norwegian security, says Dahl Martinsen. Published 05.09.2024, at 21.40
