A person shot in Oslo – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

A man has been found shot at Mortensrud in Oslo, the police write on Twitter. He is treated by an ambulance on the spot, and is taken to hospital. – The person in question is seriously, but not critically injured, says operations manager Gjermund Stokkli in the Oslo police. Police are on the scene with several armed patrols and police helicopters. – We are looking for one or more people in the area, says Stokkli. It was a passer-by who found the shot man, and alerted the police. They do not yet know if there have been any witnesses who have seen the incident itself. The man was found at Mortensrud church. The police were notified of the incident at 19.23 and were at the scene a few minutes later. They have no control over any weapon.
