A person indicted for negligent homicide after an overdose death in Sunnmøre – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

It was in the middle of winter a little over a year ago since the police found a lifeless man outside a house in Ulsteinvik in Sunnmøre. Shortly afterwards, another man was remanded in custody, suspected of drug offences, of abandoning a helpless person – and of desecration of a corpse. Now the police in Møre og Romsdal have charged him with negligent homicide and breaching the duty to report deaths. This is revealed in a press release on Friday morning. The police believe that the accused man gave the deceased tablets containing the substance etonitazepine on the night of 14 December 2021. – The deceased must have taken these, passed out and lost consciousness. In the hours that followed, the defendant is said to have left the man lying in the flat without obtaining the necessary health care, says police attorney Magne Kvalvik to news. It is the fact that the man did not intervene that is classified as negligent homicide. Police attorney Magne Kvalvik. Photo: Josef Benoni Ness Tveit / news Supposed to have been part of a drug gang The police came out early and said that both the two men were part of a drug gang, and that the deceased was visiting with the man who is now being charged. The man in his 30s must have explained to the police that he attempted resuscitation. When he was remanded in custody last summer, it emerged in court that he had at no time attempted to call AMK for help on the day his comrade died. Photo: Per Ole Gundersen, Department of clinical pharmacology, St. Olav’s hospital Warning against dangerous substance In the aftermath of the death, the police went out and warned against the substance in the tablets the man is said to have ingested. The autopsy must have shown that the tablets contained the substance etonitazepine, and that it had led to the first known overdose death in Norway. The case has been sent over to Møre and Romsdal district court for planning. The case has a penalty of six years. news has not been able to get in touch with her husband’s lawyer. The deceased man’s relatives are aware of the indictment and do not wish to comment further until after the trial, says assistant lawyer Cecilie Langva.
