A person discharged after the Furuset stabbing – Latest news – news

7 September 2022 at 10:25 One person discharged after Furuset stabbing The one person who was hospitalized after the stabbing at Furuset on Monday afternoon has now been discharged. He was questioned by the police on Tuesday. The police write this in a press release. Both people will be produced for imprisonment today at 2pm and 3pm, the police say. On Monday afternoon, two young men were stabbed near the Furuset center in Oslo. One man was found at the scene, while the other man was found in an apartment not too far away. The police are investigating the incident as attempted murder and bodily harm, and both men were charged. – The investigation so far indicates that there has been some form of relationship between the two men, but it is too early to say what was the background or motive for the incident, the police say. The police continue to work to obtain information, and have, among other things, obtained video and interviewed witnesses.
