A person charged with grievous bodily harm resulting in death – Latest news – news

9 April 2023 at 09:06 Kristiansand: A person charged with grievous bodily harm resulting in death A person has been arrested and provisionally charged with grievous bodily harm resulting in death after a serious violent incident at Mosby in Kristiansand on the night of Sunday, Easter Day. The police write this in a press release. “At 00.21 on the night of Easter Monday, the police received a report that there had been a serious incident of violence in Mosby. The police and health immediately moved out. When the emergency services arrived at the scene, a lifeless person was found. A person was pronounced dead by a doctor after a short time,” the police write. The sequence of events is currently unclear. – The accused has so far not been questioned, but the police hope to carry out an initial questioning in a short time, says police attorney and on-call lawyer in the Agder police district, Ulrik Skaar Klokkehaug.
