A new pill for hangovers has come on the market – will break down the alcohol before it reaches the liver – news Trøndelag

For most people, the next day is a little nightmare. You sweat coldly, have anxiety and your head thunders. The nausea is loose. What if a simple tablet could have removed this ugliness in no time? Now perhaps the miracle cure has come. A new pill to prevent hangovers is on the market. And with a click on the internet, you can now “buy yourself free” from the wet night in advance. But does something like this really work? Well, is the answer from experts news has spoken to. Must be taken before the party The new pill is said to break down up to 70 percent of the alcohol in the body after only one hour. This means that if you drink 50 milliliters (ml) of liquor, which contains 20 milliliters of pure alcohol, only six milliliters of this alcohol will actually reach your blood. The company that makes the pill recommends that you take two of them well in advance of consuming the alcohol. The active substances will then break down the alcohol in the intestine, before it reaches the liver and blood. But the founders behind the new product assure that the tablets will not prevent you from getting drunk. – It works against hangovers The probiotic supplement contains two intestinal-friendly bacteria, called Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans. They are produced using fermented rice bran. These bacteria normally break down alcohol into water and carbon dioxide. Jørgen Gustav Bramness is a senior researcher at the National Institute of Public Health. He has little faith in miracle pills, but says that this product will prevent hangovers. – It is absolutely true that it prevents hangovers. But it probably comes with a certain off-taste for most alcohol users. Because the reason why this capsule prevents you from getting drunk is that you get less blood alcohol content, he says to news. – Usually most people want to cure the hangover after they have reached a certain per mille. But if you take this pill, you will not get this per mille, and therefore not the hangover, he continues. Bramness says that other studies have also shown the same thing. That things that prevent hangovers also actually prevent the intoxication itself. Senior researcher Jørgen Bramness believes that pills that are supposed to cure hangovers and drunkenness have one thing in common: – None of them work. Photo: Patrick da Silva Sæther / news What’s the point? Hangover is actually something scientists know surprisingly little about, although the phenomenon has been known since the Stone Age. But what is known is that alcohol ravages the body and gets it out of balance. It is also known that hangovers ruin sleep. – Hangover is a complicated and multidimensional condition. There are many reasons why we get hungover, and all these effects work together. They give us the stubborn feelings of being hungover, says Alexander Sandtorv. He is a chemist and author, and very skeptical of the new product. Like Bramness, he believes the dietary supplement will lead to the intoxication of alcohol more or less absent. – When the alcohol does not reach the blood, you do not get drunk either. Or at least drunk to a lesser degree. So then I ask questions with what the point is. Alexander Harald Sandtorv is a chemist and author. He says it is easy to get hungover, but that research still does not give us answers to what happens in the body. Not at the level of detail. Photo: Emil W. Breinstein Tested on 24 adults Before the new product was released on the market, a small clinical study was conducted. 24 white adults participated. Some of the participants received two of the pills in question daily for a week, while the rest received pills in the form of placebo. Participants were then asked to drink a small amount of alcohol (between 50 and 90 ml of liquor). The amount was based on own weight. The per mille was then tested for the next two hours. The researchers found that during the first 60 minutes, the amount of alcohol in the blood was 70 percent lower in those who used the new dietary supplement, which has been named Myrkl. Håkan Magnusson is the managing director of the Swedish company behind the pill. He believes the product is a “game changer” – This is, for the first time in history, a consumer product that is effective in breaking down alcohol. Facts about alcohol per mille * The amount of alcohol in the blood is calculated in per mille. 1 per mille corresponds to 1 gram of alcohol per liter of blood. * The per mille measures how affected you are and can be measured accurately on the breath and in the blood. * How strong alcohol you drink, how fast you drink and whether you drink on an empty stomach determines the per mille, in addition to body size and gender. * How the body is affected by the blood alcohol level: * 0.2 per mille: The eye’s ability to focus quickly and adjust from light to dark is reduced. * 0.5 per mille- 1 per mille: The ability to perceive the situation and react precisely to it begins to decrease. You become more uncritical and risk-averse. Decreased coordination ability and increased reaction time. * 1.0 per mille: The balance deteriorates, there is slurred speech and control of movements deteriorates. You become tired and lethargic and may become nauseous. * 1.5 per mille: Most people have problems with memory. Memory problems increase with increasing per mille. Disability. * 2.0 per mille: Symptoms of poisoning, no self-control. * 3.0 per mille: No control over the bladder, risk of unconsciousness. The breathing center in the brain can be inhibited. Vomiting is common. Per mille over 3 can be fatal. * The risk of death increases sharply if you have also used sedatives, sleeping pills, painkillers, antiepileptic drugs or other drugs that have a sedative or calming effect on the brain. Source: NTB Can help people who are struggling to say no Chemist Alexander Sandtorv believes, however, that there are several weaknesses in the study. – We are talking about very few participants. The study shows that those who take the supplement have lower absorption of alcohol in the stomach. It does not show that the product helps against hangovers (the study has not looked at that), or that the difference in per mille between those who take and do not take supplements is relevant in reality. Senior researcher at FHI, Jørgen Gustav Bramness, nevertheless believes that one can find some positive arguments for such a product. Especially for people who struggle to say no to a party. – Then you can sit and drink to be social with, but you achieve less per mille. It can be beneficial for someone who struggles to say no to alcohol. If you take this supplement, you get less alcohol in the body and perhaps fewer problems related to intoxication, says Bramness.
