A member of the Riksdag is blamed for sending a nude video to women – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The politician belongs to the Sweden Democrats (SD), and the party confirms that they are investigating the incident, writes Aftonbladet. – Inappropriate – According to the information that has reached us, this is very inappropriate behavior which we take very seriously. We will talk to the member of parliament and find out what has happened, the party’s press department wrote in an e-mail to the newspaper. The politician is blamed for unprompted sending a picture of his genitalia to women. A video of him masturbating appears to have been recorded inside the Riksdag building. It must have been sent via Facebook Messenger, which makes it clear that the sender is the politician. – If this has been sent to someone unsolicited, it should naturally be reported to the police. We will follow this closely and come back when we have more clarity on it, says SD.
