A man seriously injured in stabbing at Stovner – Latest news – news

July 8, 2022 at 01:12 A man seriously injured in stabbing at Stovner A man has been transported to hospital after being stabbed with a knife at Stovner in Oslo. It was first stated that the extent of the injury to the offended person was not serious, but just after midnight, the police inform TV 2 that this appears to be serious. – When health personnel examined him, it was considered to be serious, and he was transported straight to the emergency room, says operations manager Vidar Pedersen to NTB. A man was arrested at 00.25 at an address not far from the scene. There is a relationship between the two men, but the police do not want to say anything about it. The report of the violence came at 23.40, and according to Avisa Oslo, the victim was stabbed in the upper body. There were many people in the apartment when the stabbing happened, and the police are trying to map out what happened. – We are still working at crime scenes with crime scene investigation and questioning of witnesses, Pedersen says at 1 o’clock.
