A lot of storm water on the roads in Eastern Norway – Latest news – news

16 February 2024 at 04:54 A lot of stormwater on the roads in Eastern Norway Drive carefully, and be aware, writes Vegtrafikksentralen on X. There is a lot of stormwater on both main roads and small roads in Eastern Norway on Friday morning, says Kristofa Key-Nilsen who is a traffic operator at Vegtrafikksentralen. – Right now there is a good deal of water both in Oslo, Akershus, Østfold and parts of Innlandet because some of the snow that has fallen has turned to rain. There is sometimes a lot of stormwater and meltwater on the road, says Key-Nilsen. They have contractors who are out working to remove snow and slush, so water can run away, and open drains. – It will probably make the traffic go somewhat slower, so it is important that you follow along and adjust your speed to the conditions, she says.
