A kindergarten in Stavanger did not get two children off the bus after a trip to the city center – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– We have apologized profusely, says the day-to-day manager of a kindergarten in Stavanger. She talks about an unwanted incident that happened at the end of May, when the kindergarten was out on a bus trip in Stavanger. – The bus was very full. When we had to get off the bus, we had to carry out those who were sleeping. By accident, all the adults were out at the same time, and before they could get back into the bus, the doors of the bus closed, says the daily manager. This message was sent out to the parents at the nursery in question after the incident. Photo: Screenshot The bus continued on its route, and on board sat two sleeping 3-year-olds, unaware that their kindergarten mates were no longer around them. – There is a breach of routine, as there must always be an adult on the bus. It has happened because they had to hurry. Catching up on the incident The employees immediately called Kolumbus, but struggled to get in touch with the switchboard. On board the bus, another passenger understood what had happened. She called the number on the children’s vests. – The employees kept in touch with her, and she sat with the children until the stop where an employee was waiting for them. About 20 minutes after the bus left them, the staff were reunited with the children. Criticism of the routines A parent in the nursery thinks the handling afterwards is cause for concern. – We didn’t find out until an hour and a half later. It is not within the realm of possibility not to know whether the child is in the nursery under supervision or not. – Why didn’t they call us straight away? We should have been notified when it happened, says the parent. The day-to-day manager was not at the nursery that day himself, but got into the car when the message came out. – I was about 20 minutes away. I used the car journey to call the chairman of the nursery, which is routine. Then I still had some time before I arrived and therefore chose to call the National Association of Private Kindergartens and was able to speak to a lawyer. The day-to-day manager did this to inquire about how the situation should be handled further. – I didn’t have a complete overview, but I knew that the children were safe and that they had returned to the nursery. I couldn’t call the parents until I had spoken to the people involved. Later in the evening, all the parents in the nursery were informed of the incident. – I mean we sent out information quickly. We have received a lot of positive feedback that we play with open cards and that we take it seriously, says the general manager of the Stavanger kindergarten. She explains that security is tightened after such incidents. – It is very unfortunate and unpleasant for the staff who have needed a lot of insurance in the time since, she says. PBL: – Good communication is important Marius Iversen is director of communications at the National Association of Private Nursery Schools (PBL). When an incident like this happens, he says the nursery has to make many decisions in a short time. – The nursery’s main focus will be to ensure that the children are reunited with the nursery or other safe, familiar adults as quickly as possible, he says. Director of Communications at PBL, Marius Iversen. Photo: Barbro Andersen Communication with the affected parents, both in the first phase and after the incident, he says is important. – This is something that the kindergartens normally give high priority to, says Iversen in PBL. Published 10.06.2024, at 18.18
