A group of friends reports security guards at Fire Fine in Trondheim after they were brutally thrown at the door – news Trøndelag

– We have sent a complaint to Fire Fine, but have not yet received a reply. Nasrin Mohamadzadeh says so. She and her friend Sima Lotfi are said to have been thrown at the door by security guards at the nightclub on Saturday night at half past two. Sima was worst off. Sima Lotfi still has pain in her back and neck after she was kicked out of the Fire Fine nightclub by what she describes as an aggressive bouncer. Photo: Private Getting thrown out – First he pushed me hard against the wall. Then he grabs my back and neck and throws me out so I fall to the ground. The dress was pulled up, and I was lying half-naked right outside the entrance. Both have ugly bruises, and Sima still has pain in her neck and back after the hard ride. Newspaper Nidaros mentioned the case first. Her friend Anita Shaafi Flo was also thrown out of the nightclub, and all three are strongly affected by what happened. They have now reported the guards to the police. – This is not okay. It was scary, and the police promised me that I would get medical attention. They sent me to the emergency room, which has documented the damage to my body, says Sima. The girls were covered in bruises from the unpleasant encounter with the guards at Fire Fine. Photo: Private Celebrated Halloween Nasrin and Anita live in Oslo, but were on a weekend visit in Trondheim. They were six friends who went to town together to celebrate Halloween. While they were on the dance floor, one of the mates is said to have accidentally come across some decoration on the ceiling with a fairy wand. A guard reacted, and the mate apologized. Shortly after, the mate and the guard bumped into each other again, and that’s when it escalated. The comrade was thrown out, which the friends reacted to. It ended with a brawl in which both Nasrin and Sima are said to have been brutally pushed out of the nightclub by two security guards. Jan Tore Fladvad is general manager at Fire Fine. Photo: Ole Petter Klepp / news Unfortunate experience – It is unfortunate that guests and employees have such negative experiences with us. Beyond that, I have no comment. That’s what Jan Tore Fladvad, general manager at Fire Fine, says. He otherwise refers to the guard company, which is responsible for the guards. – Unnecessary use of force must not happen, and we must now review what happened. That’s what Per Magne Tronvoll, CEO of PCM Security, says. He says the guards have good training, precisely to avoid such incidents. – We are sorry that someone feels violated by the way they have been treated by our guards. We take this very seriously, and will go into the details to see what we can do to avoid such incidents. The videos that are posted publicly are also a burden for the guards. – We don’t want our guards to be hanged. They may be exposed to incitement, says Tronvoll. He goes on to say that they will deal with the case in a proper way, while at the same time they have to take care of their employees. The friends Sima Lotfi, (tv) Nasrin Mohamadzadeh and Anita Shaafi Flo react strongly to the brutality they experienced from security guards at the Fire Fine nightclub on Saturday night. The picture was taken earlier in the evening. Photo: Private Several filmed the incident Several filmed the incident, and video and photos have been posted on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. – We have received lots of messages from others who have experienced the same thing at Fire Fine. The video I posted on TikTok has been viewed 20,000 times, says Nasrin. One of the comrades who filmed the scene with his mobile phone is said to have been threatened by the security guard, that he would smash his mobile phone if he did not end the filming. The group of friends contacted the police, who came to the scene shortly afterwards, and told about their experiences with the guards. None of them is said to have been particularly drunk. They went out to enjoy themselves, but due to one of the guys fencing with a fairy wand on the dance floor, the evening came to an unpleasant end. – I was thrown out because I defended my mate, says Nasrin.
