A great many heavily intoxicated young people on 17 May in Bergen and Oslo. The police are asking parents to be careful. – news Vestland

– What the police patrol experienced on the afternoon and early evening of 17 May, we have not experienced before, says section leader at Bergen city center police station, Ole Bjørn Sveen. This year’s 17 May was strongly marked by drunken youths. In one day, the West police district registered 348 incidents and missions on 17 May. Of these, 229 were in Bergen. During the afternoon, the police patrol in Bergen experienced that there were many young people between the ages of 15 and 20 who were heavily intoxicated. This was both on strong alcohol and drugs, and there were several simultaneous fights. – The patrol themselves experience that they have never seen so many drunk young people in the center of Bergen at one time, he says. Ole Bjørn Sveen is primarily reacting to the number of young people who were intoxicated in the afternoon and evening in the middle of the center of Bergen on 17 May. Photo: Bergit Sønstebø Svendseid / news The police in Oslo had almost 400 assignments. – We also had young people as young as 13 who were under the influence of drugs in Oslo, says Harald Nilsen, chief of staff in the Oslo police district. Nevertheless, it was not very different from normal weekend activity on good weather days in Oslo, he tells news. Asking parents to take responsibility The police received continuous reports of fights, including a 16-year-old boy who had two teeth knocked out on National Day. and must have done their best to notify parents and child welfare officers about the young people. In addition, the young people drove to the emergency room. Still, they only covered a fraction of the incidents, according to Sveen. The police struggled to get in touch with guardians who could take care of the young people, and encourage parents to be much closer to their own children. – We are reacting to the fact that there are many parents who do not have a close follow-up of their children. Until next year, the police encourage parents to take responsibility. – It is unnecessary for children between the ages of 15 and 18 to walk around and be under the influence of drugs, not only alcohol, but also drugs, without close follow-up. We wish parents were much closer to their own children, says Sveen. The Child Welfare Service in Bergen received 11 inquiries about young people connected to drugs and alcohol. This is more than they get on a normal weekend. Joachim Bjerkvik is unit manager for both Utekontakten and Barnevernvakt in Bergen, he also believes that parents must take more responsibility. Joachim Bjerkvik believes adults put a lot of focus on alcohol on 17 May. Photo: Jarl Omestad / news – 17 May is supposed to be Children’s Day, and my impression is that more adults should be more aware of their own behavior and use of alcohol, focus on alcohol on a day like 17 May. There is no doubt that parents are important role models, he says and adds: – Maybe 17 May is a day when those who have children should be with their children, also with their slightly older children. More young people make their debut on 17 May Bergen municipality had a good number of field workers from Utekontakten who worked outside on 17 May. They also report that there were quite a few more drunken people than on normal weekends. The field workers were in contact with over a hundred young people on National Day. – The impression of the field workers is that there are quite a few young people who make their debut with alcohol on 17 May.
