– A general increase – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary There is an increase in eye infections in Norway, with nurseries and pharmacies reporting high levels of infection. Apotekforeningen has seen an increase of 17 per cent in sales of the drug Kloramefiknol from October to December last year. Duestien kindergarten in Skien has had consecutive cases of eye infections since November. Good hand hygiene is the most important measure against becoming infected. If you are already infected, it is recommended to wipe the mucus out of the eyes with a clean cloth, drip with saline drops, and possibly see a doctor for antibiotic ointment or drops. If you are in good general condition, there is no reason to avoid work, or keep the children at home, unless there is severe catarrh of the eyes with abundant pus formation. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. You feel it as soon as you wake up. Re-glued eyelashes and the feeling of dew on the eyes. When you finally open your eyes, they are often filled with yellow pus and the eyeballs are bright red. It is also contagious. Terribly fast, experiences a kindergarten in Skien. But we’ll get back to that. The pharmacies notice an increase Figures from the Pharmacy Association confirm a large infection right now. There has been an increase of 17 per cent in sales of the drug Chlorameficnol from October to December last year compared to the previous year. Apotek 1 has also registered an increase of 10 per cent from November to December. The eye cream is prescribed and is used to treat eye infection. – It is more than we usually sell at this time, writes press manager at Apotek1, Silje Ensrud, in an e-mail to news. Press manager at Apotek 1, Silje Ensrud. Photo: Tommy Borge Arnesen / Tommy Borge Arnesen Several connected cases One after the other has got an eye infection in Duestien kindergarten in Skien this winter. Here they have seen more cases than what they consider normal. – We have had it continuously since November, says child and youth worker Kristian Thon. Christian Thon, child and youth worker at Duestien kindergarten in Skien. Photo: Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll / news That is why the kindergarten tries as best they can to keep the infection away. – We try to be good at hand washing, there is not much more than what we can do. After all, they pick themselves in the island and play games. As long as their general condition is good, they can be in the nursery. Arvid Arpana (5) and Filip Havem (4) in Duestien kindergarten. Here, they have experienced consecutive eye infections since November. Photo: Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll / news Measures against infection Winter is often high season for both colds and eye infections, says the municipal chief of staff in Skien, Anne Gunhild Waagsbø-Kjellsen. – The microorganism often gets into the mucous membrane of the eye in connection with a cold. Either via the tear duct or by rubbing your eyes with unclean hands. Municipal doctor in Skien, Anne Gunhild Waagsbø-Kjellsen. Photo: Grete Ingebjørg Berge / news According to Waagsbø-Kjellsen, good hand hygiene is the most important measure against getting infected. Nevertheless, there are still things that can be done if you are already infected. – In the first instance, wipe mucus out of the eyes, preferably with a moist and clean cotton pad, or with a soft, clean cloth, several times a day. Dripping with saline drops can also be done to flush out the eyes. If you experience a lot of mucus and yellow-green pus, it may be smart to see a doctor. In that case, antibiotic ointment or drops may be appropriate. – This is to avoid the infection causing increasing pain. The condition usually goes away, treated or untreated, within a few days to a couple of weeks. Arvid Arpana (5) and Filip Havem (4) are not sloppy with the hand washing at Duestien nursery school in Skien. Photo: Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll No reason to stay at home If you are in good general condition, there is no reason to avoid work, or keep the children at home, says the municipal superintendent. – Only in the case of severe eye catarrh with abundant pus formation should the child be kept at home for reasons of infection control until the pus formation has subsided.
