A Frenchman in Flesland is said to have tried to take a service weapon from the police – Latest news – news

14 November 2022 at 09:51 BA: Frenchman at Flesland allegedly tried to take a service weapon from the police Employees at Bergen Airport Flesland had to call the police when a French citizen allegedly acted threateningly on Sunday morning, writes BA. – It became quite a dramatic situation where the police eventually had to arrest him and handcuff him, says Øvrebotten to BA. The Frenchman is said to have become so agitated that the police had to use physical force to calm him down. While this was happening, he also allegedly tried to take the service weapon of one of the police officers. – He tried to seize it, which is part of the basis for the fact that he has been reported for violence against a public servant, says Øvrebotten. He should not have been violent towards any of the airport employees. – But he made threats against them. The man was taken to the emergency department for a check-up, and then he was taken into custody. He is still sitting there on Monday morning.
