– A fatal failure in the system – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– If someone knew something in the E-service and did not hand over this information to PST, or PST did not communicate to the police, then it is quite surprising. And there must be a fatal failure in the system, says Kjell to news. news meets him and Kristian outside the pub Per in Hjørnet. They are still affected by what happened, and do not want their surnames in print. Looking for facts It was in this pub that the married couple sat on the night of 25 June last summer. They were together with several friends to celebrate pride in the center of Oslo. At 01:12, Zaniar Matapour got off the tram close to the nightclub. Seconds later, he fired several shots at the nightclub. The picture on the left shows Matapour in the hours before the attack. The photo on the right is just before he fired the fatal shots. Photo: POLICE A friend who was sitting with Kjell and Kristian is hit and killed. – It is terribly tragic. He could be alive today, had the security order been what it should have been, in our opinion. The e-service knew, PST knew. But little was done, says Kjell. The e-service had notified PST of a possible terrorist attack, without a preventive investigation having been started. The couple now supports an external investigation of the E-service. They want all the cards on the table to clarify what the security services knew and did not know ahead of the shooting that cost two people their lives and injured 24 others. – It is quite obvious that it must happen. Absolutely. Things must be brought to light and not covered up, says Kristian to news. Internal investigation Before the summer, an evaluation committee will deliver a report on the shooting, but the E-service has not been externally investigated. In the Storting, the opposition parties are now putting pressure on the Minister of Justice to initiate an external investigation of the E-services. Justice Minister Emilie Mehl tells news that the e-services are under the Ministry of Defence, and thus outside the mandate of the committee that will investigate the shooting. She says she is looking forward to the report on the police and PST, and hopes they will get more answers about what happened. – There are many people who need answers. I want that too. Then any further steps can be considered after this report is available. – Do you want the e-service to be investigated? – I do not want to comment on that at the present time. The Ministry of Defense has previously said that they do not want such an investigation, but rather send a report to the Ministry of Justice. The e-service does not wish to comment on this matter. Neither does PST. In January this year, it became known that an agent on assignment from the Norwegian Intelligence Service was in contact with an Islamist and pretended to be from the terrorist organization IS. The intelligence service is said to have received information about a terrorist attack in Scandinavia. Lawyer Marius Dietrichson is the defender of terrorist suspect Zaniar Matapour. He has previously told news that there is reason to believe that the attack would not have happened if intelligence agents had not gotten involved. This week VG published the messages between the Islamist and the agent from the E-service. The content causes the married couple to react. – It is clear that they have a job of infiltrating and being believed in that setting, but we find it frightening that it is written that people are encouraged to commit serious harm to people. The question is how far can such an agent go in his service, really, says Kjell. Kjell and Kristian say they want all the facts on the table, and believe the E-service should also be scrutinized externally. Photo: Torbjørn Brovold / news
