– A declaration of war against our future – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary – Demonstrators from Extinction Rebellion block the entrance to an oil seminar at Park hotell in Sandefjord. – The seminar is an important meeting place between the Norwegian oil and gas industry and the political environment, with among others Energy Minister Terje Aasland, Erna Solberg and Sylvi Listhaug on the guest list. – The protesters believe the conference is unacceptable and aim to stop it. – The campaigners plan to prevent the energy minister from handing out oil licenses and want to send a strong message to the oil industry. – The police have been on the scene, but have left it again. The demonstrators have informed the police and the hotel about the action and emphasize that they are non-violent. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Energy Minister Terje Aasland handed out 62 new oil exploration licenses to 24 companies on Tuesday, NTB writes. At the same time, the activists tried hard to drown out the sound by playing instruments. At 4 p.m. there were 12-15 campaigners left. At most there were over 30 people. The campaigners outside the oil seminar in Sandefjord state that they have taken a break. They say they will return when the oil elite have a gala dinner tonight. Energy Minister Terje Aasland gave his speech during the oil seminar in Sandefjord on Tuesday. Outside, activists tried to drown out the sound inside the hall by shouting and playing instruments. Aksjonsgruppa’s aim was to destroy the energy minister’s speech. 24 companies receive oil exploration licenses The government today awarded 62 oil exploration licenses to 24 companies. Among the companies that have been awarded a licence, are Equinor, Vår Energi and Aker BP. According to Aasland, the allocation of new permits is important for the development of the Norwegian continental shelf. He thinks it is good that there is so much interest in further research. – I am very keen that we develop the Norwegian continental shelf further, ensure security for work, export income to the country, so that we can build welfare further. Ensure good schools and good care for the elderly, says Aasland to news. The Minister wants the industry to be developed based on the climate challenges. – We must cut greenhouse gas emissions and ensure that this takes place in a good and proper way, he says. In total, the Ministry of Energy received 25 applications. The permits being offered in this year’s round are in the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea, according to the Ministry of Energy. Activists try to prevent guests from entering the hotel. Busloads are helped in by the police on the spot. A theater group takes part in today’s protest. Spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion in this case, Jonas Kittelsen, together with a protester. Protesters dressed as police carry out an activist. The hotel was closed around 12 o’clock, as a result of the protest. Heavy guest list For over 40 years, the seminar has been the most important meeting place between the Norwegian oil and gas industry and the political environment. The seminar was supposed to start at 12 o’clock, but the opening was delayed after protesters sat down outside the doors of the hotel in Sandefjord. The guest list includes Energy Minister Terje Aasland, industry leaders and representatives from the Storting. Among others, Erna Solberg and Sylvi Listhaug participate. At this meeting, the state has its annual allocation of exploration areas on the mature part of the Norwegian continental shelf. Will stop the energy minister Before Aasland made his award, Extinction Rebellion said that they thought the action at the hotel was appropriate. – With the research in hand, we can say that today’s decision will take tens of thousands of human lives. Then we think it’s okay to campaign in this way, Jonas Kittelsen told news. Spokesperson for the action and shareholder, Jonas Kittelsen. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news Their plan was to prevent the energy minister from handing out the oil licences. – We want to send the strongest possible message to the oil elite, who are behind this and who profit from the terrible suffering they inflict. We want them to feel on their bodies that we are here and that there is strong resistance. – We have informed the police and the hotel about the action. We are non-violent, so there is no danger to life and health, says Kittelsen. Knew about the demonstration Chairman Erik Sverre Jensen of the Norwegian Petroleum Association says they have been prepared for the demonstration. It has been applied for and the protesters have been allocated an area outside the hotel, he says. – It is perfectly legal to demonstrate. As long as you stay within the laws and regulations, we have to accept it. – What do you think about the concerns expressed by the protesters? – I don’t really want to have any strong opinions about that, but they must be allowed to have that point of view with full right.
